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Wanda sings about enduring hardship and existing.

The Vietnamese band experiences tragedy as they lose their keyboard player and the lead singer's father. They struggle to cope and move on, occasionally successfully, producing exceptional music in the process.

Singer Marco Michael Wanda recently lost his father. He also deals with the loss in his band's new...
Singer Marco Michael Wanda recently lost his father. He also deals with the loss in his band's new album.

"Always continuing" - Wanda sings about enduring hardship and existing.

"Some wounds take longer to heal," states the Austrian band Wanda. Composed of lead vocalist Marco Wanda, guitarist Manu Poppe, and bassist Ray Weber, this group has experienced significant hardships in recent times. Their latest album "Ende nie" has been released, which not only allows them to express their pain through music, but also offers a sense of hope.

Tragically, in September 2022, Wanda's keyboardist Christian Hummer died after battling an extended and severe illness. A few months later, Marco Wanda's father passed away. In the song "Bei niemand anders," Marco sings, "And if you think it's over, I'm here and I'll hold you tight." This stunning rock ballad was written in honor of his late bandmate and as a source of support for his ailing father, as stated by the singer.

The band, known for their hits like "Bologna" and "Bussi Baby" since the mid-2010s, decided against giving interviews prior to their sixth studio album's release. "At this point, the themes behind the album are too raw to constantly discuss," state the band's remaining members.

The album serves as a personal reminder of their loss. For now, "our music must speak for itself and for us. We hope it offers you courage and joy," say these seasoned live performers, who embark on a tour of Germany starting tomorrow.

Themes of death, trauma, and loss permeate tracks like "Therapie" and "Fuck Youtube." Marco notes in "Fuck Youtube" that he can no longer listen to some songs because they remind him of his father's illness and a separation. Unfortunately, the band's musical potential is somewhat limited. While their style is often described as indie schlager, the album is marred by several bland instrumental passages, sluggish rhythms, and flat song structures.

Music can provide solace, but not mend emotional scars

However, there are also beautiful offerings - these are the songs that convey hope and positive energy. Such numbers include the upbeat "Jeder kann es sein," the piano-driven "Niemandem was schuldig," and the energetic "Woher soll ich wissen." In the latter, Marco sings, "Oh, how wonderful if it were love," accompanied by a melody that glides above sorrow and pain.

The album was a difficult and draining process for the band. "Creating music can be a source of solace, but it can't instantly heal deep-seated pain. That's an individual journey," they assert.

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