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Unique broadcasts dedicated to local voting events

After the elections in Saxony and Thuringia, there will be a focus on the subsequent events. Various aspects related to these polls will be explored in dedicated broadcasts.

Klamroth inquiries on 'honest yet fair': 'What impact will these elections have on the nation?'
Klamroth inquiries on 'honest yet fair': 'What impact will these elections have on the nation?'

- Unique broadcasts dedicated to local voting events

Saxony and Thuringia have cast their votes, and the process of government formation is commencing. The future outcomes remain uncertain. Various specialized broadcasts are set to air on German television on September 2nd, where initial queries will be addressed - and politics itself will also contribute to the conversation.

"ZDF special: Saxony and Thuringia ungovernable? Challenging government formation post-elections"

The Second German Television will present a "ZDF special" at 19:25 titled "Saxony and Thuringia ungovernable? Challenging government formation post-elections". According to the broadcasting corporation's announcement, the process of forming a government is expected to be complicated, and the moderator Antje Pieper (55) will guide the discussion by examining the election results in detail. Experts and politicians, including Ricarda Lang (30), the federal chairwoman of the Alliance 90/The Greens, Sahra Wagenknecht (55), the chairwoman of the Left Party, and Tino Chrupalla (49), the chairman of the AfD, will be among the speakers.

"Focus: Shattered Confidence"

Following the "Tagesschau", the First will broadcast "Focus: Shattered Confidence" at 20:15, hosted by Gunnar Breske (44). With the AfD serving as the strongest force in Thuringia and the Left Party as a swing voter, the show will delve into the origins of disillusionment with established political parties. Breske will also be joined by Wagenknecht and Chrupalla, among others. "Focus" will also be screened on MDR.

"hart aber fair - Victory for AfD and Left Party: How will these elections impact the nation?"

In "hart aber fair", which will air at 20:45 on the First, the elections will serve as the primary topic. In the episode titled "Victory for AfD and Left Party: How will these elections reshape the nation?", this question will be addressed. The updated guest list of moderator Louis Klamroth (34) includes Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (61) of the SPD, General Secretary of the Left Party Christian Leye (43), deputy chairman of the AfD parliamentary group Beatrix von Storch (53), and Thorsten Frei (51), first parliamentary manager of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. Additionally, economist and "wise woman" Veronika Grimm (52), author Jana Hensel (48), author Markus Feldenkirchen (49), and rapper and author Hendrik Bolz (36) will also be present.

"Fakt ist!"

Meanwhile, MDR will air "Fakt ist!" specials from Thuringia and Saxony at 20:45. Andreas F. Rook, Andreas Menzel, and Lars Senger will speak with experts from journalism, politics, and science about the elections. The audience will have the opportunity to partake in the discussion.

The "ZDF special" discusses the complicated process of forming a government after the "Election to the Landtag" in Saxony and Thuringia. In "Focus: Shattered Confidence", the show will explore the disillusionment with established parties following the election results, with Sahra Wagenknecht and Tino Chrupalla among the speakers.

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