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Trial of Boateng halted shortly after commencement.

The court has handled Jerome Boateng's former partner's accusations of violence towards the soccer titleholder three times. The ongoing fourth case came to a quick halt just as it began.

Jerome Boateng (r) at the start of the trial with his lawyer Leonard Walischewski
Jerome Boateng (r) at the start of the trial with his lawyer Leonard Walischewski

Previously renowned soccer athlete - Trial of Boateng halted shortly after commencement.

The court hearing concerning the case of ex-German football star Jerome Boateng in Munich got halted not long after it began. The presiding judge, Susanne Hemmerich, conveyed her dissatisfaction with both the defense and the prosecution, and suggested having a legal discussion. "After being a part of this profession for 40 years," she remarked, "I have never encountered such thorough and unfair media pre-judgement against the defendant."

The court case been ongoing for six years for several reasons, including Covid-19 disruptions and delays in Germany's judicial system. Boateng's two teenage daughters from a previous relationship, who accuse him of violence, have been compelled to read about their parents' court battles in newspapers incessantly during that time. The judge expressed her hope that "this situation ought to be resolved, especially for the sake of the children," and continued, "I have a proposal that could work for everyone."

Judgment Against Former Bayern Munich Player Overturned

The issue involving Boateng's trip to the Caribbean in 2018 has been the focus of legal proceedings on four separate occasions. Since then, Boateng, who used to play for FC Bayern Munich and has recently switched to Linzer ASK in Austria, has faced numerous trials. In 2019, an indictment was introduced, and in 2021, a fine of €1.8 million for 60 daily penalties of €30,000 was imposed by the Munich District Court.

The Munich I Regional Court then found Boateng guilty in their second instance in October 2022 of bodily harm and defamation, punishing him with 120 daily fines of €10,000 each, adding up to €1.2 million. However, the Higher Regional Court in Bavaria revoked this decision. Pending the ultimate conclusion of the proceedings, Boateng is presumed innocent.

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