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Tijen Onaran is extricating herself from binding circumstances or obligations

Tijen Onaran is extricating herself from binding circumstances or obligations

Ralf Dümmel and Nils Glagau are on the center stage, their unique shoes and glasses causing quite a buzz: This time, it's showtime in the Lion's Den.

Starting the grand Vox sustainability week, the innovators present their eco-friendly projects. The first pitch of the night stirs up the Lion's Den. Marvin Rau and Michael Szpitalny from Bargteheide strike a chord with their electric motorcycles ("METORBIKE"), impressing the testosterone-filled lions Nils Glagau and Ralf Dümmel. After an exhilarating outdoor trial run, the bikes from the automotive industry industry also pass the practical test. Nils Glagau gives a thumbs up: "Bravo guys, bravo bikes!", praises the Orthomol CEO, who then partners with Carsten Maschmeyer and offers (500,000 euros for 25% of the company shares), an offer the founders can't turn down.

However, the "TÄMPTASTIC" duo of Jana Klauke and Luca Menke from Borgentreich aren't as lucky. They present Indonesian superfood Tempeh as their "food of the future". But Carsten Maschmeyer is hesitant: "It doesn't taste good, I don't get it, and therefore, it doesn't smell like success to me," he criticizes the entrepreneur. The rest of the investors follow suit, leaving the founders disheartened and deal-less.

Next, "VLACE" founder Viola Weller from Ludwigshafen does better, her vegan sneakers made from fruit waste impressing Lion Janna Ensthaler. After a quick try-on, Ensthaler exclaims: "You're my Christmas and birthday combined!", the shoes fitting perfectly, and the adjust deal (200,000 euros for 23% of the company shares) sealing the deal. Lion and founder celebrate joyfully.

Judith Williams faces challenge

The positive mood doesn't last long. Thanks to the power bank experts and "FiniBee" founders Denise Ossenberg and Thomas Hühne from Frankfurt am Main, Judith Williams experiences "the absolute worst pitch" of her Lion's Den career. The beauty queen, who's been a judge since day one, furrows her brow again. But this time, it's not a founder duo, but a fellow format colleague standing with her in the ring.

The turning point is the children's glasses pitch by the "MANTI MANTI" founders Susann Hoffmann and Philippa Koenig from Berlin. Their premium product (expensive, stylish but durable children's glasses) leaves Lion Tijen Onaran with some questions. "I find it a bit elitist. What's your vision when it comes to reaching out to a certain social background?", she asks. Judith Williams steps in for the founders: "You have a premium brand, and every company targets different customer segments. The social discussion is a completely different one from the entrepreneurial discussion," she explains.

The visibly frustrated Tijen stands her ground and "disagrees" with her "beloved Judith Williams". The latter remains firm and asks for a "separation of social and entrepreneurial topics". Now, Janna Ensthaler also joins the debate. As the areas of marketing and sales come into play and Tijen increasingly distances herself from the appearance ("I'd like to withdraw!"), the founder of the "Green Generation Funds" aligns with Judith and the "MANTI MANTI" representatives. However, they shoot themselves in the foot when they admit that there are already 28 other investors at the table. In the end, all the lions are out, not just Tijen Onaran: "I really found that extremely arrogant. It had this Prenzlauer Berg vibe where well-off mothers and fathers treat their kids to an incredibly expensive pair of glasses," snarls the lioness as she leaves.

The subsequent pitch is focused on 'The Cave of the Lions,' where the founders of 'MANTI MANTI' present their premium children's glasses. Tijen Onaran questions their elitist approach and social reach, sparking a debate with Judith Williams and Janna Ensthaler. Despite their strong stance, their admission of having 28 other investors at the table disappoints the lions, leading to their exit from 'The Cave of the Lions.'

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