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Thomas Müller expresses optimism in Germany's chances of winning the European Championship.

Non-traditional and imaginative approach utilized.

His superpower on the pitch? Creativity. Thomas Müller approaches every situation with heart and...
His superpower on the pitch? Creativity. Thomas Müller approaches every situation with heart and imagination, courage and perseverance.

Thomas Müller expresses optimism in Germany's chances of winning the European Championship.

Thomas Muller, known for his unique and creative playing style, is loved by both children and adults. Even as a young player, he seems to have understood that playing without restrictions can unleash extraordinary abilities. Besides his commitments for FC Bayern and the national team, the World Cup winner has recently joined another team right before the European Championships. "At 34, you naturally ask yourself: Where else can I play? Where can I implement my creative ideas?" He shares this with and reveals how he overcame his inner doubts, what he anticipates from the European Championship in his own country, and why he'd sometimes like to travel in a time machine. Initially, let's discuss a soccer issue: What can we do for those not participating in the European Championship?

T.M.: Sadly, there's no magic spell to make the competition appear for those not nominated. This significant soccer event, particularly in Germany, can't be conjured away with logic, so there's not much we can do to alleviate their disappointment.

Could we win the European Championship?

(laughs) Definitely, we have a chance!

Now let's move on to a coaching question: How does national team coach Julian Nagelsmann differ from club coach Julian Nagelsmann?

The roles of a club coach and a national team coach are fundamentally different. The main distinction lies in the time a coach has with his team and the environment, as international matches take place in various locations. At the DFB, everything is more adaptable due to the squad's fluctuations from training session to training session, unlike a club where there are contracts and players remain for at least a season. Nagelsmann has also evolved as a coach since working with FC Bayern, where we've been working together for over a year. Remember, we're all constantly evolving. The tournament's outcome will determine whether these ideas and changes are deemed successful or not. Therefore, we must wait to make any judgments, as soccer primarily depends on the results.

Similar to Germany's immense soccer excitement, especially from June 14 onwards, it's an exciting time for me and I'm eagerly anticipating it!

(smiles while sharing a lighthearted video referencing soccer and player transfers) Yes, this video was a bit of a joke, poking fun at the soccer industry's fascination with players switching clubs and confidential contract situations. But, of course, at 34, you must consider your options: Where can you continue playing and express your creativity freely?

Creativity is vital - even for players - but having a set plan on the pitch is essential, isn't it?

Yes, a clear plan is crucial. However, it's only the foundation. In soccer, clear communication within a team is essential for success. As an individual, it's equally important, but it's especially critical in group settings. Consider attacking play: you need a strategy allowing room for extraordinary moments. It's all about outsmarting the other team's defenders by being unpredictable. Nevertheless, a mutual understanding is necessary, ensuring harmonious teamwork.

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  • The one-man show of Müller: Bayern Munich and Germany's ace forward Thomas Müller will no longer be available for Germany's DFB team before the European Championships, as strange as it may sound. He isn't officially retiring, but he has changed clubs. "At 34, you naturally ask yourself: Where else can I play? Where can I implement my creative ideas?" - so he decided to switch. In this exclusive interview, the 34-year-old talks to about this and how he managed to silence his inner critic, what he expects from the European Championship in his homeland, and why he would occasionally like to be able to travel back in time.

Question: How do you stand out from younger players?

T.M.: I'm not that young anymore (laughs), but I still consider myself a veteran in soccer years.

Advice to young players for exploring their potential on the pitch: Try new things, discover your unique style, and don't be afraid of making mistakes. This will help you develop your "superpowers."

What's your approach to discovering your true potential? How do you implement your creative ideas?

I believe in a strategic plan, which serves as a basis. Automatisms are crucial for success and performance. Additionally, clear communication within a team is essential to make it work. When it comes to individual or group play, it must be resonate functionally - otherwise, it'll be chaos.

The European Championships are approaching, and it's an exciting time - not just for your career but also for the whole nation! Are you looking forward to it?

Indeed, I'm thrilled! The support and enthusiasm in Germany are incredible. It's a unique atmosphere.

(laughs and points to the camera) Now, I've given my opinion - it's up to you to decide if it's interesting or not!

Thomas Müller gave a playful response to a soccer-related question, making a joke about the soccer business and reporters. He also shared his thoughts on his soccer career, the importance of a clear plan and communication in soccer, and why he believes in mutual understanding.

Thomas Müller briefly touched upon his soccer journey, stating that a clear plan and communication are vital to succeed in soccer, both individually and as part of a team. He also light-heartedly joked about the soccer world's obsession with new signings and the secrecy of contractual agreements. He declared his enthusiasm for the upcoming European Championship and expressed his desire to explore the possibility of time travel.

It's not simple. Personally, I've often felt a continuous urge, without imposing it on myself. It's enjoyable to work and there's a certain "need to endure suffering." You must prepare, exert your body at times, and go above and beyond - it's worth it in the end! Alternatively, if you don't do these things, you disqualify yourself from competing at the highest level. But if you go beyond the ordinary, you at least offer yourself a chance of success. Of course, this doesn't guarantee triumph, as others also strive towards their maximum limits, leap over their shadows, or try to conquer their inner demons. However, experiencing joy in what you do daily is crucial.

What is personal identity in a teamwork setting?

Each individual has unique strengths and moments. Understanding both strengths and shortcomings is very important. It's crucial to recognize your flaws without reducing yourself or making yourself feel inadequate. Just acknowledge them, and then focus on your strengths to showcase them. Also, being able to respond to others contributes to their and your own radiance. It's enjoyable - enjoyment creates happiness hormones - and this leads to great pleasure. You can boost yourself up.

"Let others shine" - not everyone can accomplish this! How do you manage setbacks, and how do they influence your performance?

Firstly, setbacks will always occur, even in the best of times. They're automatic; without them, it would be tedious. The key is to manage them well. You don't have to be perfect, but you need to be good enough to fulfill a role that brings you happiness. Moreover, in good times, you can increase your expectations of yourself. But being adept at planning, managing, and improving how you handle setbacks is critical.

Sabine Oelmann interviewed Thomas Müller for his new partnership with the toy company LEGO.

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