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TV-Songs - This happens today in the soaps

## 5:30 PM, RTL: Unter uns

Valentin and Paula remarkably enough don't miss each other and nothing stands in the way of their happy love. When Valentin's parents' reconciliation is put in jeopardy, Bambi does everything in his power to save it - even with radical means. Henry is puzzled when David suddenly makes him and the girls sit down - what kind of friend does that? The answer: a Loner.

7:05 PM, RTL: Alles was zählt

Charlie is angry over Justus' ruthless treatment of the team and confronts him with clear words. An old enemy, halted by the spontaneous wedding, plans his unnoticed return. Henning and Daniela finally experience the most beautiful day of their lives thanks to their family and friends.

7:40 PM, RTL: Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten

Carlos is worn out by the continuous low blows and doesn't know what to do anymore. With anger in his heart, he seeks a culprit for his misery and focuses on Katrin. What does Carlos have in store? Yvonne awakens Toni's police instinct with a curious case in the Kiez market. Toni can successfully conclude the "investigation", but her methods have unexpected consequences.

In the preview for the upcoming episode of GZSZ, it's revealed that among the characters, Carlos is feeling particularly downtrodden and is searching for the source of his misery, focusing his anger on Katrin. Meanwhile, Bambi from the soap opera Unter uns showcases his love for Valentin and Paula's relationship by using radical means to save Valentin's parents' reconciliation even when it's put at risk. On a different television show, Soap, the protagonist becomes a Loner after making an unexpected move, leaving his friends and associates puzzled.

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