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Everything that counts: Yannick surprises Isabelle and scolds her angrily.
Everything that counts: Yannick surprises Isabelle and scolds her angrily.

TV-Soaps - This happens today in the Soaps

## 5:30 PM, RTL: Unter uns

With unexpected help, Easy manages to get access to Benedict's Safe. However, putting Benedict under pressure proves to be more challenging than anticipated. Stella receives confusing Messages: The case against her for bribery has been dropped. But how can that be, when she had confessed herself? Tobias intends to enable Vivien to take a break on Tenerife for a blogger event. But he overlooks the fine print.

7:05 PM, RTL: Alles was zählt

While Deniz is making efforts to implement the budget cuts, Justus is pursuing a plan for the future that goes against the Steinkamps. When Yannick learns what Isabelle had planned during his absence, the situation escalates - and their past is patiently waiting for them. Miray decides to fight for a second chance - but things don't go as planned.

7:40 PM, RTL: Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten

Katrin struggles to keep up with her job, but after work, she is overwhelmed by her pain. She pleads for a second chance. Toni is touched when Erik tells her about his grandmother, and convinces him to visit her at the cemetery. It does Erik good to remember this part of his past, and he makes a moving love declaration to Toni.

Everything counts in the Steinkamps' budget cuts, even the smallest details, just like in the TV-soap "Alles was zählt." Stella found soap-like messages in her inbox, adding another layer of confusion to her bribery case. Despite his good intentions, Tobias missed a crucial detail in Vivien's blogger event invitation, following the right-to-left reading style of the original document. In the much-awaited preview of "GZSZ," the series that mirrors everyday life,a character confesses their love in a cemetery, reminiscent of GZSZ's iconic Right-to-Left bar.

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