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These TV anniversaries are coming up in 2024

A number of TV anniversaries are coming up at the start of the year. One channel and several shows will celebrate a milestone birthday in 2024.

To mark RTL's 40th birthday, the channel broadcasts a quiz show - hosted by Sonja
To mark RTL's 40th birthday, the channel broadcasts a quiz show - hosted by Sonja

RTL - These TV anniversaries are coming up in 2024

There will be many TV anniversaries in the coming year. There's a lot to celebrate right at the start of the year: RTL is turning 40, the jungle camp is celebrating its 20th anniversary and "Brisant" on MDR is turning 30. What's coming up and what's planned?

RTL celebrates its 40th birthday

RTL has a lot to celebrate in January: the Cologne-based channel went on air for the first time on January 2, 1984 and is now celebrating its 40th birthday. According to a press release, this includes a big anniversary quiz show on January 6, 2024 at 8:15 p.m., hosted by Sonja Zietlow (55) and with numerous top-class guests such as Günther Jauch (67), Frauke Ludowig (59) and Oliver Geissen (54).

30 years of "RTL-Nachtjournal"

Ten years after its official launch, the station broadcast "RTL-Nachtjournal" for the first time in January 1994. January marks the 30th anniversary of the popular late-night news program. On the night of January 3, the show's editorial team looks back on the past three decades and welcomes long-time news anchor and editorial director Heiner Bremer (82), who hosted the show until 2004, to the studio.

Jungle camp turns 20: Will there be a spin-off?

And that's not all: the jungle camp is also celebrating an anniversary. On January 9, 2004, RTL broadcast the show "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!" for the first time and is now celebrating its 20th anniversary. The channel will be showing the 17th season of the TV show from January 19, 2024. It is already known that actor Heinz Hoenig (72) and Cora Schumacher (46) will be heading into the Australian jungle. However, according to a report by "", this is not the end of the story: Apparently RTL is planning a kind of all-star season for the 20th anniversary, in which candidates from previous seasons will compete against each other again. RTL has not yet confirmed this.

"Brisant" turns 30

And another 30th birthday is coming up in January - at MDR. The ARD magazine show "Brisant" celebrates its anniversary on January 3, according to the press release with a "very special edition" at 5:15 pm. On January 19 at 10 p.m., presenters Kamilla Senjo (49) and Marwa Eldessouky (40) will also be guests on the MDR talk show "Riverboat".

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