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These depictions of violence stir up haunting recollections of lethal occurrences.

These depictions of violence stir up haunting recollections of lethal occurrences.

A controversial incident in the NFL is causing a stir: Star player Tyreek Hill is subjected to harsh treatment by law enforcement. The league stays quiet as Hill calls for the dismissal of an officer. This incident spotlights ongoing police brutality in the U.S. and rekindles unhappy memories.

Imagine Robert Lewandowski is driving to Bayern Munich's Bundesliga opener. Just short of the Allianz Arena, the Polish pro speeds excessively. Police pull him over to issue a speeding ticket. Suddenly, the officers manhandle Lewandowski, throwing him out of the car, pushing him to the ground, kneeling on his back, handcuffing him, and choking him from behind.

Hard to believe? Not in the U.S. Tyreek Hill, a celebrated NFL figure, experiences this exact situation. The Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver is briefly detained by police near Arrowhead Stadium just before his team's game. Published bodycam footage reveals rough handling of the 28-year-old, sparking widespread criticism in the U.S. Because this case highlights: it keeps the issue of police brutality in the spotlight and points to the disproportionate use of force against Black Americans.

"What if I wasn't Tyreek Hill?" Hill's declaration after the brutal police encounter is likely to be remembered as one of the most significant quotes of this NFL season, as his words resonate beyond football. Eight years after Colin Kaepernick first protested against police brutality with a knee during the national anthem, and four years after George Floyd's death brought international attention to the issue, American sports seem to be taking a step back. Meanwhile, the NFL remains silent.

Stop whining.

Violent traffic stops are not uncommon in the U.S. This time, it's Tyreek Hill who is caught driving 60 mph instead of the allowed 40. After presenting his documents through the driver's window, an officer questions why the football star isn't wearing his seatbelt, and Hill rolls up the window and repeatedly asks the officer not to knock on his window. The officers demand that Hill roll down the window and get out. When he only cracks the window, one of the four officers threatens to shatter the window. As Hill opens the door, an officer forcibly removes him from the car, throws him to the ground, and handcuffs him.

The footage shows that Hill hardly has time to get out, and even though he doesn't resist, he is forced to the ground, pinned down with a knee on his back, and held down by multiple officers. One of the officers tells Hill to stop whining and "If we tell you to do something, you do it. Understand?"

With his hands cuffed behind his back, Hill is told to sit on the side of the road. When he initially refuses, one of the officers forces him to the curb with a chokehold from behind. A few Dolphins players stop to support Hill, and one of them is briefly handcuffed as well.

After the release of the footage, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava and the Democratic and Republican candidates for Sheriff in the November elections criticize the police's handling of Hill. The Miami Police Department places one of the involved officers on administrative leave and launches an internal investigation into the incident, Police Chief Stephanie Daniels said in a statement.

Hill celebrates with handcuffs

The Miami Dolphins express concern about the "violent and aggressive behavior" of the officers in a statement, calling it "heartbreaking and outrageous" to see "the very people we trust to protect our community" use such unnecessary violence and hostility towards players.

Hill appears at the Sunday game unscathed and makes seven catches for 130 yards against the Jacksonville Jaguars, including an amazing 80-yard touchdown, leading the Dolphins to victory. Known for his attention-grabbing antics, Hill celebrates the win with a handcuff celebration.

Later, he tells reporters he was "surprised" by the whole situation and expresses concern that things could have escalated further if he weren't a famous football player: "What if I wasn't Tyreek Hill?" He later tells NBC News, "God knows, I could've been shot or jailed."

Whether the image of George Floyd flashed through Hill's mind as he lay on the ground isn't known. Like Floyd, Hill is Black, and the officers are not. Hill is unarmed and does not assault any of the officers. However, he is dehumanized and forced to the ground. The footage suggests that the officers feel disrespected and their egos are hurt, leading them to escalate what could have been a routine traffic stop excessively.

"He feared for his life"

The local police union claims that the officers' behavior was a result of Hill not complying with their demands quickly enough. Says Steadman Stahl, president of the South Florida Police Benevolent Association, in a statement: "When he was stopped, Mr. Hill was not immediately cooperative with the officers on the scene, who were attempting to place him in handcuffs in accordance with department policy and for his immediate safety."

Did Hill behave perfectly during the stop? No, he acknowledges he could have acted "better." However, his attitude does not justify the violence, as he ultimately complies, albeit not as quickly as the police would have liked. Hill's history as a controversial athlete and anything but a model professional should not matter: he has previously been convicted of domestic violence and accused of breaking his then-three-year-old son's arm.

This time, it's the prominent football player who aims to de-escalate the scenario. He doesn't retaliate against the officers' aggressive tactics, doesn't provoke any further issues, and replies to whispered slurs with "Relax, mate." Hill's representative, Drew Rosenhaus, discusses the incident later, mentioning Hill's intentions to become a police officer post-career. However, Rosenhaus also tells us that Hill's legal team is considering taking legal action against the police department. "He felt his life was at risk," says the representative. "It was utterly appalling."

On a Thursday, Hill ultimately requested through his attorney and a statement that the "aggravating officer" involved be released immediately due to the incident. "Every police officer's actions are regulated by standard procedures," as per the statement. "We believe the officer excessively, persistently, and recklessly used force." The events serve as a grim reminder of the numerous injustices that individuals from Black and underrepresented groups frequently face at the hands of the law enforcement, as the statement emphasized. "We're not accusing the officer of racism, but we are accusing the historical traditions and practices of law enforcement of being discriminatory and oppressive towards Black and underrepresented groups," the statement continued.

The NFL, which generally supports social justice concerns, particularly since the league is predominantly 70% Black players, has yet to express any opinion on the event. Even after their subsequent game against the Buffalo Bills, which they lost on a Friday night. One would presume the NFL would have drawn lessons from their lack of support for Colin Kaepernick eight years prior. Will there be any response from the NFL in the future? Will this situation be described as an isolated event or part of a more extensive issue?

Thomas Müller has probably never encountered physical force from police or had his back pinned to the ground by a knee. He resides elsewhere. "The Washington Post" noted that the Hill case should unnerve people with car keys in the US. According to a report published by the newspaper, 810 individuals were killed by police this year, reaching a record high of 1163 in 2023. Black people are reportedly more likely to be killed by police than white Americans, based on a report by the newspaper.

The Hill Incident Illustrates the Prevalence of Police Brutality

According to a study by Mapping Police Violence, a non-profit research group, police apply force against at least 300,000 people annually. This includes the usage of tasers, chokeholds, and canine attacks. However, the data is incomplete since it relies on information from police departments that voluntarily responded to Mapping Police Violence's request. The report also revealed that Black people are over three times more likely to be victims of police violence than white people.

The violence against Hill once again demonstrates the prevalence of police brutality and systemic racism, seeking to underscore the danger that traffic stops impose on Black US citizens. In 2020, widespread protests followed the killing of George Floyd by police. This dissent continues, with Sonya Massey and Roger Fortson getting shot by officers in the same year. Tyreek Hill is fortunate to have survived despite the violence he endured. Maybe because he is a prominent NFL player.

"Let's bring about change," Hill wrote on X following his brief arrest. During a CNN interview, he was asked to clarify his intentions, and he stated that he was attempting to find a solution to these ongoing problems. "We've tried protesting. We've even kneeled....So, what's next?"

This incident with Tyreek Hill highlights the ongoing issue of disproportionate use of force by law enforcement against Black Americans, echoing the experiences of Colin Kaepernick and George Floyd. (Discrimination)

Despite his prominent status as an NFL player, Hill risks facing severe consequences if not for his fame, as seen in the excessive force used during his traffic stop. (Discrimination)

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