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These broadcasters change their program short-term

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump causes worldwide shock. In Germany, numerous TV-stations change their programs.

Donald Trump few seconds after the attack.
Donald Trump few seconds after the attack.

After an attack on Donald Trump - These broadcasters change their program short-term

The attempted assassination of US Presidential candidate Donald Trump (78) shocked the entire world on Sunday. Since then, TV broadcasters worldwide have been broadcasting the latest developments and all information regarding the shooting of Trump at a campaign rally. The shooter was immediately killed by the Secret Service following the incident. German news outlets n-tv, tagesschau24, Phoenix, and Welt have been reporting extensively about the shooting in the US since the morning. Even the major networks have announced special broadcasts:

Das Erste announced a "Brennpunkt: Assassination on Trump" at 8:15 pm. The ten-minute special will air between the reporting on the EM Final in Berlin between Spain and England. Pre-coverage begins at 8 pm on Das Erste, which will be interrupted by the "Tagesschau" at 8 pm. After the special, coverage of the football game will resume around 8:25 pm. The match kickoff is then scheduled for 9 pm. Additionally, Das Erste extended their "Tagesschau" broadcasts from 14 and 16 minutes to ten minutes.

ZDF also changed its programming and aired "ZDF spezial: Shots on Trump - Shock in the US Presidential Campaign" from 7:10 pm to 7:25 pm after the 19-hour "heute" broadcast. The "Berlin direkt - Summer Interview" with CSU Chief Markus Soeder (57) then follows from 7:45 pm to 8:45 pm. Private broadcasters also reacted to the assassination attempt on Trump. Sat.1 showed a "Newstime" special on the developments in the United States of America until 8:25 pm. The regular prime-time programming was accordingly pushed back.

RTL also adjusted its programming to the current developments. They already showed a special "RTL Aktuell" at 1:55 pm and 2:55 pm, according to industry service DWDL, and there are plans for another special edition of the news program at 8:15 pm. The prime-time programming was also adjusted accordingly.

  1. The international news coverage of the attempt on Donald Trump's life has been dominating the schedules of channels like ZDF, with a special titled "ZDF spezial: Shots on Trump - Shock in the US Presidential Campaign" airing at 7:10 pm.
  2. Even German stations like tagesschau24 and Phoenix have been providing extensive coverage of the incident, discussing the events that unfolded at The First's (Donald Trump's) campaign rally in Right to Left (Berlin, Germany).
  3. Die Welt and n-tv, two prominent German news outlets, have been continuously monitoring and reporting on the situation, with n-tv even live streaming the event and providing updates on the aftermath of the attack.
  4. Das Erste, one of Germany's major networks, has also reacted to the attack by extending their "Tagesschau" broadcasts and airing a special titled "Brennpunkt: Assassination on Trump" at 8:15 pm.
  5. Sat.1, another German private broadcaster, has adjusted its programming in response to the shooting, with a "Newstime" special airing until 8:25 pm, pushing back the regular prime-time programming.
  6. Following the shocking incident, RTL has also made changes to its programming, with plans to air another special edition of the news program "RTL Aktuell" at 8:15 pm, focusing on the latest updates and analyses of the attack on Donald Trump.

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