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Therefore, the participants are known

Many candidates from 'Are You The One? Reality Stars in Love' have failed in love on various dating shows.

Moderator Sophia Thomalla (Middle, sitting) will help these TV singles find love still.
Moderator Sophia Thomalla (Middle, sitting) will help these TV singles find love still.

Are You The One? Reality Stars in Love - Therefore, the participants are known

## "Are You The One?" Introduces Own Reality Stars

Besides the VIP version of "Are You The One?", there is also a regular edition of the format where singles search for their perfect Partner. Many of them become Reality stars after this and end up on "AYTO Reality Stars in Love". This year, Dana Feist (27), Laura Morante (33), Laura Lettgen (38), and Antonino De Niro (27) are among them.

Feist and De Niro share a unique memory of the show. They both participated in the third season of "Are You The One?" and were indeed a "Perfect Match" back then. Although they didn't work out, the experts clearly identified them as ideal partners for each other. Now they meet again in the same show - will it work out this time with Love?

Chris Broy Makes His Debut in the Dating Show World

Chris Broy (35) is the only candidate who has never searched for love on a show before. He became known through his relationship with Ex-"Bachelor" finalist Eva Benetatou (32). In 2020, he made his reality debut with her on "Das Sommerhaus der Stars". His journey led him to "Kampf der Realitystars" - upon his return from the show, he separated from his pregnant partner. He also made appearances on "Beauty & The Nerd", "The 50", and let himself be followed by "The Real Life" and "B:Real" in his everyday life.

Famous Ex-Boyfriends

Chris Broy is not the only one with a prominent ex-relationship. Laura Morante was in a relationship with Mike Heiter (32), the third place finisher from the last "Dschungelcamp". Dana Feist was also in a relationship with a jungle star, she was in a relationship with Gigi Birofio (25) for a year and was with him in "Sommerhaus der Stars".

Marc-Robin Wenz (29) and Nikola Glumac (28) started their reality careers with their current ex-girlfriends by their side. Both participated in the TV loyalty test "Temptation Island" in 2022 - neither of them were successful. Wenz cheated on his girlfriend in front of the cameras, while Glumac remained faithful, but was still harshly criticized by his wife Gloria (31). At "Prominent getrennt", they both appeared again with their ex-girlfriends. In "Are You The One? Reality Stars in Love", they are participating alone in a format for the first time.

Emmy Russ and Tara Tabitha Lead the List

Emmy Russ (24) and Tara Tabitha (31) add another box to their collection of reality shows in Germany. They can both look back on over ten formats. Emmy Russ began her reality career with "Beauty & The Nerd", followed by "Promi Big Brother", "Promis unter Palmen", "Temptation Island V.I.P.", or most recently "Reality Queens".

Tara Tabitha was already a star in Austria through "Saturday Night Fever - How Austria's Youth Celebrates" and her own docu-soap "Tara & Moni". In Germany, she made a name for herself with "Ex on the Beach", "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!", or "Reality Backpackers".

The "Bachelorette" universe sends several candidates back into the race for love. Alex Rundow (28), Kaan Aktas (27), and Ozan Gencel (27) all unsuccessfully competed for Jennifer Saro's (28) heart in 2023. Lukas Baltruschat (29) made it to the finale with Sharon Battiste (32) in the previous year, but was "Celebrity separated" and appeared in two formats simultaneously in 2024. Lars Maucher (27) aimed to win over Maxime Herbord (29) in 2021.

Moreover, Maucher was also seen on "Ex on the Beach," just like Anastasia Pantelejew (24) and Gabriela Alves Rodrigues (23). Similarly, Nadja Großmann (24) and Linda Braunberger (23) started in their second format. Großmann was introduced on "Love Fool," while Braunberger originally wanted to be on "Germany's next Topmodel." Asena Neuhoff (27), Jennifer Iglesias (25), and Tim Kühnel (27) began their reality careers on "Love Island." Neuhoff's participation did not go beyond this initial stint, but Iglesias, the winner, was subsequently seen on "Promi Big Brother," and Kühnel on "Kampf der Realitystars" and "Prominent getrennt."

  1. Emmy Russ and Tara Tabitha, both known Reality stars, will also be featured on 'Are You The One? Reality Stars in Love'.
  2. Besides the VIP edition, 'Are You The One?' also has a regular version where singles strive to find their ideal 'Partner'.
  3. Laura Morante, a former 'Dschungelcamp' participant, was in a relationship with Mike Heiter, who finished third in the show.
  4. Chris Broy, a newcomer to the dating show world, gained fame through his relationship with Eva Benetatou, a finalist from 'The Bachelor'.
  5. The 'Bachelor' franchise contributes several candidates back into the race for love, such as Alex Rundow, Kaan Aktas, and Ozan Gencel.
  6. 'Temptation Island - Temptation in Paradise' is a popular dating show where Marc-Robin Wenz and Nikola Glumac had unsuccessful experiences with their ex-girlfriends.
  7. 'Beauty and The Nerd' is a Reality TV show where Chris Broy initially gained recognition, before appearing on other shows like 'The 50' and 'B:Real'.

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