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Their journey to the United States commences in Atlanta.

Busy days await for King Willem-Alexander and Máxima as their four-day expedition in the USA commenced on Monday in Atlanta.

Brian Kemp and his wife Marty (left) with King Willem Alexander and Queen Máxima at the State...
Brian Kemp and his wife Marty (left) with King Willem Alexander and Queen Máxima at the State Capitol in Atlanta.

Monarch Willem-Alexander and Consort Máxima - Their journey to the United States commences in Atlanta.

During their visit to Atlanta, Georgia, King Willem-Alexander (57) and Queen Maxima (53) kicked off their four-day excursion to the United States. Upon arrival, they were welcomed at the airport and proceeded to meet Governor Brian Kemp (60) and his wife Marty Kemp at the State Capitol.

Queen Maxima's eye-catching ensemble

Queen Maxima stood out in her attention-grabbing red cape dress, accompanied by a silver brooch, red fascinator, and red pumps. While King Willem-Alexander and Governor Kemp matched in white shirts and light blue ties.

Through posts on the Dutch royal couple's Instagram account, we learn that talks with the governor and Dutch company executives concerning economic partnerships, especially in the realm of sustainable logistics, occurred during their meeting.

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Videos from their visit to the Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Dr. King once preached, show the royal pair conversing with church representatives. Additionally, King Willem-Alexander delivered a heartfelt address at the church.

In the upcoming days, the King and Queen of the Netherlands will head to New York. Their visit emphasizes the strong association between the Netherlands and the United States, as well as the economic links with the US states of Georgia and New York.

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