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The Top-Earning Salaries in Hollywood

Movie history boasts numerous impressive milestones. These ten superstars secured the highest earnings for a single film.

Keanu Reeves and Leonardo DiCaprio are among the highest earners among Hollywood stars.
Keanu Reeves and Leonardo DiCaprio are among the highest earners among Hollywood stars.

Leonardo DiCaprio's Dramatic Journey to Winning His First Oscar - The Top-Earning Salaries in Hollywood

Hollywood stars' salaries are usually not publicly revealed. However, we get to know their earnings through well-informed US media. Remuneration for certain stars, including Keanu Reeves (59), Tom Cruise (61), and Robert Downey Jr. (59), sometimes become public knowledge.

The profit participation plays a significant role in Hollywood actors' paychecks. If actors agree to this with their agents, their pay increases substantially if the film becomes a hit at the box office.

For instance, actor Leonardo DiCaprio (49) supposedly made $59 million for his role in "Inception." But other actors and actresses have made even more from a single film than DiCaprio, considering profit participation and other bonuses.

Tom Hanks: $60 million for "Forrest Gump"

"Forrest Gump" is a timeless classic and earned a staggering $679 million at the worldwide box office in 1994. Robert Zemeckis (72), the director of "Back to the Future," directed this movie. Tom Hanks (67), a leading actor, took home an astonishing $60 million thanks to this massive success, which amounted to almost 10% of the film's total earnings.

Harrison Ford: $65 million for "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"

Harrison Ford (81), famous for his roles as Han Solo in the "Star Wars" films and Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. in the "Indiana Jones" film series, returned to reprise his iconic role in 2008 for "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." Although the fourth Indiana Jones film received mixed reviews from critics and fans, it grossed an impressive $790 million globally. Ford reportedly made $65 million after its release.

Sandra Bullock: At least $70 million for "Gravity"

"Gravity" is one of the most successful female-led films in Hollywood, with Bullock earning at least $70 million, per "The Hollywood Reporter." While there's a considerable gap between male and female salaries, Bullock's impressive fortune stems from her $20 million fixed fee and 15% share of the first-weekend earnings.

Robert Downey Jr.: $75 million for "Iron Man 3," "Avengers: Infinity War," and "Avengers: Endgame"

Robert Downey Jr. played Tony Stark in the first "Iron Man" movie that launched the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2008. He set the tone for later Marvel films with his blend of action, laughter, and word games. The most profitable film series in cinema history resulted from Downey's performance. Downey reportedly earned $75 million each for his final appearances as Tony Stark in "Iron Man 3" and in "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Endgame," according to various US publications.

Keanu Reeves: $75 million each for "Matrix Reloaded" and "Matrix Revolutions"

The "Matrix" trilogy began in 1999, and it's just as influential and culturally relevant today. It's no surprise that Keanu Reeves, who played Neo, is said to have made $150 million from the two sequels "Matrix Reloaded" and "Matrix Revolutions" due to a profit participation and bonuses, according to "Screenrant." This means he made $75 million for each film.

Jack Nicholson: $90 million for "Batman"

Jack Nicholson (87), one of Hollywood's brightest stars, played the villain Joker in Tim Burton's (65) "Batman." The movie posted record earnings in the late 80s, earning over $410 million at the box office. Nicholson supposedly took home $90 million from this superhero film, according to "Collider."

Nicholson's earnings from a single film are more than the entire fortunes of each Batman actor since then, including Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale, and Robert Pattinson. Adjusted for inflation, Nicholson's $90 million would be worth $194 million today.

Alec Guinness: $95 million for "Star Wars"

Alec Guinness (1914-2000) was one of the greatest actors in history. He played the iconic character Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars" (1977). The film earned a staggering $461 million internationally, and Guinness made an impressive $95 million.

The table below compares the earnings of these Hollywood A-listers:

| Name | Film | Year | Box Office Revenue | Profit Share | Earnings || -------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------ | ------------ | -------- || Leonardo DiCaprio | Inception | 2010 | $679 million | - | $59 million || Tom Hanks | Forrest Gump | 1994 | $679 million | 10% | $60 million || Harrison Ford | Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull | 2008 | $790 million | - | $65 million || Sandra Bullock | Gravity | 2013 | $720 million | 15% | $70 million || Robert Downey Jr. | Iron Man 3, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame | 2013, 2018, 2019 | $2.7 billion | - | $75 million for each film || Keanu Reeves | Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions | 2003, 2004 | $1.6 billion | - | $75 million for each film || Jack Nicholson | Batman | 1989 | $410 million | - | $90 million || Alec Guinness | Star Wars | 1977 | $461 million | - | $95 million |

The remarkable presentation of Sir Alec Guinness (1914-2000), the distinguished British thespian, as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the initial "Star Wars" release from 1977 is a memory that endures. Guinness portrayed the first Jedi Master to make an appearance on the silver screen. As per "The Hollywood Reporter," by starring in "Star Wars," he amassed an estimated $95 million until his demise in 2000.

As for Will Smith, having made a name for himself through the television show "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," he was on an upward trajectory. With "Men in Black 3," which raked in a massive $624 million at the box office, Smith allegedly made $100 million, as per "The Hollywood Reporter."

In "Top Gun: Maverick," which was an astounding success at the box office, grossing close to $1.5 billion globally, Tom Cruise (59), the movie's lead and producer, secured substantial profits through lucrative participation. According to "Variety," Cruise is said to have gathered more than $100 million from the second "Top Gun" edition.

Bruce Willis (69), now coping with dementia, tops the list of top earners more surprisingly. As per reports, Willis had received a $14 million base payment to appear in M. Night Shyamalan's (53) legendary hit, "The Sixth Sense."

Although "The Sixth Sense" was an extremely profitable film, making over $670 million at the global box office with a filming budget of only $40 million, Willis is thought to have gathered a whopping $100 million from the movie owing to an advantageous revenue-sharing scheme. It is even claimed that Willis's earnings amounted to $114 million, making his income from a single film the highest recorded in Hollywood.

Willis's estimated income of $114 million from "The Sixth Sense" exceeds any other actor's earnings from a single film before or after him. His profitability is a striking testament to the power of lucrative profit participation in hit movies.

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