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The seller wants 3500 euros - but the ring is actually worth twice as much

The seller is beaming: she wants to sell her ring for 3,500 euros on "Bares für Rares". But the expert estimates it at a much higher sum.

Annegret Hirtz gets a nice surprise on "Bares für Rares" - her ring is worth twice as much as she...
Annegret Hirtz gets a nice surprise on "Bares für Rares" - her ring is worth twice as much as she thought

"Bares for Rares" - The seller wants 3500 euros - but the ring is actually worth twice as much

The moderator doesn't waste time: Horst Lichter puts the " Klunker" ring on his finger right away, saying, "I like these rings," about the jewelry Annegret Hirtz brought to "Bares für Rares". "It's beautiful, it's clear, a beautiful flower," he summarizes. The 70-year-old retiree from Stolberg wears this valuable family heirloom rarely and wants to sell it.

Heide Rezepa-Zabel is ecstatic about the "Entourage-Ring," which has a magnificent central stone and is encrusted with diamonds in an old cut. The expert discovers craftsmanship of high level in its execution. The central stone in "Cornflower Blue" particularly appeals to Rezepa-Zabel. Moreover, it has a long journey behind it: The sapphire is likely from Sri Lanka. The ring's origin is dated by the expert to the Interwar period.

"Bares für Rares": Horst Lichter is excited

The seller estimates its value at 3500 Euro. When Lichter asks how she arrived at that price, Hirtz refers to her gut feeling. In reality, it is worth twice as much. In fact, Heide Rezepa-Zabel values the stone alone at 5000 Euro. In total, she comes up with a price of 6000 to 7000 Euro. Lichter is just as excited about it as the seller.

The dealer room is filled with excitement over the glittering ring. Christian Vechtel feels reminded of Princess Diana when he looks at it. And Walter "Waldi" Lehnertz comments, "That's quite a catch."

Elke Velten-Tönnies starts the auction at 1500 Euro. Her highest bid is 4700 Euro. Hirtz takes out a commission of 100 Euro - she receives 1300 Euro more than she originally wanted.

Afterwards, there are only radiant faces: Elke Velten-Tönnies is happy about the magnificent ring - and the seller is happy about the large sum of money.

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Horst Lichter expresses interest in acquiring rare jewelry, mentioning his appreciation for the 'Klunker' ring from Sri Lanka. The expert, Horst Lichter, expresses his fascination with the 'Entourage-Ring', noting its high-level craftsmanship and the central diamond's captivating 'Cornflower Blue' hue, likely originating from Sri Lanka. Elke Velten-Tönnies, the auctioneer, showcases her enthusiasm for valuable items, starting the bidding for a piece of jewelry at 1500 Euro.

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