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The renovation is proceeding

Asbest and building waste increase the cost of refurbishing Buckingham Palace. Will King Charles ever live there?

Buckingham Palace in London is undergoing comprehensive renovation.
Buckingham Palace in London is undergoing comprehensive renovation.

Buckingham Palace - The renovation is proceeding

Structural damages and the discovery of asbestos in Buckingham Palace are driving up the costs for the renovation of London's residence of King Charles III, estimated to be around 75 million GBP, or approximately 932 million Euro, in total.

Praise and Criticism in a New Report

These damages "could have been anticipated," according to "Sky News" in a report about the works at the palace, which began in 2017. Sanitary facilities, pipes, wiring, and the heating system need to be replaced, as some of them date back to the 1940s and 1950s.

The report states that the renovation program has been "well managed" so far, but that certain issues like asbestos and structural damages have led to an increase in costs. The expenses for the East Wing of the palace, which was two years late in completion, are reportedly 78% over the budgeted costs, while other areas like the Picture Gallery and the roof were 25% under budget.

Some reasons for cost increases and delays, such as the Corona pandemic, inflation, and supply chain issues, were not controllable, according to "Sky News". Other challenges, like the discovery of more asbestos and structural damages than expected, could have been anticipated, the report suggests.

775 Rooms Need to be Renovated in Buckingham Palace

There's plenty to do in the 18th-century building. Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms, including 52 rooms for the Royals and their guests, 188 bedrooms for the staff, 78 bathrooms, and 92 office rooms. The works on the West Wing and the North and South Wings are expected to be completed within the next three years.

King Charles III and his wife, Queen Camilla (77), currently reside at Clarence House. The part of St James's Palace at The Mall in London, which has been the official residence of Charles for the past 20 years, is also not known if he will move into the Buckingham Palace once the renovation works are finished. The monarch is rumored not to be a fan of the building.

  1. Despite the ongoing renovations at Buckingham Palace, King Charles III and Queen Camilla continue to reside at Clarence House in London.
  2. The Sky News report highlighted that the structural damages and the presence of asbestos in Buckingham Palace have significantly increased the renovation costs, which are now estimated to be around 75 million GBP.
  3. The renovation of the tree swing in one of the gardens at Buckingham Palace is not considered a major expense in the overall 75 million GBP budget.
  4. Despite the challenges faced during the renovation process, like asbestos discovery and structural damages, the East Wing of Buckingham Palace is still two years behind schedule and is reportedly 78% over its original budget.

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