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The renewed emotional state of Werner Hansch

The renewed emotional state of Werner Hansch

Ten years of 'The Lion's Den' triumphs in Germany. Exactly a decade ago, this hit TV series commenced its successful journey. On this special anniversary day and kick-off of the 16th season, feelings in the Lion's Den are reminiscent of a wild rollercoaster ride.

"Time swiftly evaporates like sunlight dissolving snow," Eddie Murphy once declared in his role as the wise-quoting kid savior ("Searching for the Golden Child"). Decades later, the denizens of the Lion's Den are raising their eyebrows in astonishment. The beloved German deal show is celebrating its tenth birthday. What hasn't been unveiled into the wide world from the MMC studios in Cologne adorned with the famous "Lion's Den" seal? Scrumptious seasoning blends ("Ankerkraut"), an eco-friendly shampoo-body wash concoction ("Duschbrocken"), a smart bike crate ("BeemyBox"), multiple packs for antiperspirant, sunscreen, and more ("Holy Pit"), and much more - countless tinkerers and innovators have found their fortunes in the Lion's Den.

Carina Heidi Hader from Munich aims to alleviate period pains for millions of women globally at the commencement of the jubilee season. A self-developed high-tech heat source in the form of a heart, which heats up to 53 degrees in seconds, is said to render aid. At 269 euros, the patented "Paradise Heat Technology" is not exactly affordable. However, the two Lionesses Janna Ensthaler and Judith Williams, along with renowned entrepreneur Carsten Maschmeyer, appear to be unbothered by this. After a brief negotiation with the former, they forge an alliance. Two minutes later, the duo of investors is already leaping out of their seats, sealing the inaugural deal of the new season.

The quickest deal in the show's history

The events that unfold in less than five minutes are nothing short of astonishing: the swiftest deal in the show's history. Following the swift presentation of their top lid holder by the "topfi" duo Annette and Tomasz Makowski from Sprendlingen, Ralf Dümmel is immediately sold. Within just under three minutes, he persuades everyone present that he is the "ideal partner" for their product and team.

Ralf Dümmel sets a record-breaking pace in the show's transaction history.

Once in deal-making mode, the Lions also prove to be formidable contenders. The situation is no different in the case of the three "ratzfatz" founders Luisa Schubert, Sarina Morawiak, and Maraike Höhne from Berlin. This time, it's LEH expert Tillman Schulz and Nils Glagau who emerge victorious. "VUP" founder Evelin Stefano from Switzerland is also convinced that she will secure a deal with at least one Lion by the end of her pitch. The energetic color and style consultant throws her entire heart and soul into making her dream a reality. For her own multi-purpose tie, even Lion Nils Glagau joins the impromptu runway. Regrettably, it is not enough for a deal in the end. The disappointment is palpable on the founder's face: "I have not achieved my goal, and that makes me extremely sad," the Swiss woman laments.

Emotions threaten to boil over in the Lion's Den, but the most emotional moment is yet to come. That moment arrives at the conclusion, in the form of broadcasting legend Werner Hansch joining the studio. Together with lawyer Marc Ellerbrock from Markdorf, the "Golden Lion" award winner presents the "Gambling Heroes" project. This initiative aims to provide problem gamblers the opportunity to recover their losses with the help of selected lawyers. Werner Hansch knows firsthand what he's talking about, as he himself lost over half a million euros at the racetrack: "Gambling addiction stole everything from me. Eventually, my house was lost, my love was lost, and my bank accounts were empty!" He shares his dark past with the Lions, their expressions growing increasingly stunned and sympathetic.

"That was the most touching moment since I've been sitting in this chair," says Judith Williams, her voice breaking. Carsten Maschmeyer is also visibly moved. The sight of a former victim who has turned the tables to help others who have experienced the same suffering deeply affects the investor. The result: Carsten Maschmeyer joins forces with Dagmar Wöhrl: "I was once addicted to tablets, but now I am deal-addicted!" Carsten Maschmeyer declares. Moments later, the founders and the investor duo embrace. Werner Hansch's eyes fill with tears, but for the first time they are tears of joy.

The investors, Carsten Maschmeyer and Judith Williams, show immense empathy during the presentation of the "Gambling Heroes" project, a initiative aimed at helping problem gamblers recover their losses. Maschmeyer shares his own past struggles with addiction, which resonates deeply with the investors.

Investors like Ralf Dümmel and Tillman Schulz closely evaluate potential investments, making quick and decisive deals, demonstrating their expertise and market insight.

In the scenario of Deal-Laune, Nils Glagau and Tillman Schulz act promptly.

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