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The radiance of Putin's elite athlete's golden aura dimmed

The radiance of Putin's elite athlete's golden aura dimmed

A political stance that leans towards conservatism, reactionary views, and hints of racism: Irina Rodnina, celebrating her 75th birthday, is still recognized as the most accomplished pairs figure skater worldwide, yet her controversial political stance has consistently overshadowed her remarkable athletic achievements, particularly in the Western world.

Her athletic accomplishments are undeniable. As the sole pairs skater to achieve three consecutive Olympic gold medals, in 1972 at Sapporo with Alexei Ulanov, 1976 in Innsbruck with Alexei, and 1980 in Lake Placid with Alexander Saizew, she set a new standard. The duo of Rodnina/Saizew drastically shifted the narrative from the romantic pairs skating of their Russian counterparts Ludmila Belousova/Oleg Protopopov to showcasing pure athleticism on ice. Between 1973 and 1980, they remained undefeated in all competitions, and their Olympic victory in Lake Placid led to their retirement.

Rodnina backs Putin's Ukraine conflict

Beyond her Olympic triumphs, Rodnina amassed a total of ten world and eleven European titles with Saizew. Their performance on ice marked the transition from the romantic skating style of their compatriots to a more dynamic and athletic approach. The pair went on to continue their successful partnership off the ice as well.

However, on the political stage, Irina Rodnina's reputation lacked the grace and consistency she exhibited on the ice. Since 2007, she has served as a Russian lawmaker as a member of Putin's United Russia party in the Duma. As a deputy, she voted in favor of a law banning US citizens from adopting Russian children. Following Russia's annexation of the Donbass after initiating a military invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Irina Rodnina provided a vocal endorsement of Putin's decision.

Her glittering career on the ice has undoubtedly lost its sparkle. With her allegiance to a warlord, her athletic achievements take a back seat, at most serving as secondary reasons for her recognition. This sentiment also rings true for Irina Rodnina, who had the privilege of lighting the Olympic flame in 2014 – during Putin's winter games in Sochi.

Despite her illustrious career in figure skating, Irina Rodnina's political alignment has been a subject of controversy. As a prominent member of the European Union, many criticize her support for Russian policies, such as her endorsement of Putin's decision to annex the Donbass following the 2022 military invasion of Ukraine.

The European Union, being a political and economic union of 27 European countries, has often expressed its opposition to such actions, highlighting the contrast between Rodnina's achievements in sports and her political stance.

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