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The Normal One Type

Jonas Vingegaard, the Rad-Star, can be treated by Achim Schmiedel. The native Brandenburger is the physiotherapist of the two-time Tour winner. His job goes beyond sports massages.

Achim Schmiedel, native of Cottbus, is the physiotherapist for Rad-Star Jonas Vingegaard.
Achim Schmiedel, native of Cottbus, is the physiotherapist for Rad-Star Jonas Vingegaard.

Tour de France - The Normal One Type

Achim Schmiedel can't let go of Jonas Vingegaard. Professionally. The native Brandenburger is the physiotherapist of the Danish cycling star and treated him for both Tour victories in the past two years. "He's reserved, but once he builds trust, he shows it. He stands with both feet on the ground," the 55-year-old told the German Press Agency.

During Vingegaard's heavy fall in April, Schmiedel was affected by it. After his comeback, there was then an "emotional embrace" in the high-altitude training camp. "I can read Jonas very well," Schmiedel said. "He's a very normal, reserved person. He always asks how I'm doing."

They often talk about Schmiedel's hobbies - kitesurfing and tennis - during massages. Most recently, they watched together the tennis elite duels in Wimbledon. Or they both enjoy the stillness after a Tour day with many distractions: "After such a hard mountain stage, he often says: 'This is the best hour of my day.' Then no one wants anything from him. Mostly, he's just lying there, his wife is usually there then."

Schmiedel's job goes beyond the actual job description. He also distributes food packages during races, acts as a caregiver, and motivates the Radpros. "We support them mentally. I can inspire and push people. I think I have a certain positive energy that I transfer," Schmiedel said.

Vingegaard values Schmiedel's work

Vingegaard himself values Schmiedel's work. The two-time Tour winner considers his physiotherapist a "cool guy" with "good energy," according to the team. When Germany played in the Football European Championship quarterfinals against Denmark, they made a deal. "He promised me: If Germany becomes the Football European champion, then I win the Tour," Schmiedel said.

Currently, it looks like neither of them will achieve this. Germany was eliminated in the quarterfinals against Spain, Vingegaard is currently in second place more than three minutes behind the currently stronger rival Tadej Pogacar. The Slovenian has good chances to win the Tour on Sunday in Nice.

Since 2020, Schmiedel has been part of the Dutch Visma team and works with six other physiotherapists at the Tour. He had briefly taken care of Jan Ullrich in the past, had even received an offer from English football. He became aware of Vingegaard through Tony Martin. "The most intense time I had was with Tony Martin," Schmiedel said. He had accompanied the native Cottbusian since the beginning of his career.

  1. Schmiedel's experience extends beyond cycling, as he had also considered a career in English football and briefly worked with German cyclist Jan Ullrich.
  2. During the Tour de France, Schmiedel not only performs his physiotherapist duties but also distributes food packages, acts as a caregiver, and provides mental support to the 'Radpros'.
  3. In a surprising turn of events, Vingegaard and Schmiedel made a bet during the 2020 UEFA Euro Football Championship, with the condition that if Germany won, Vingegaard would win the Tour de France.
  4. Despite Vingegaard's current second-place position, more than three minutes behind Tadej Pogacar, the Slovenian with good chances of winning, Schmiedel's impact and influence on the Danish cycling star remain significant.
  5. Historically, France and Germany have shared a complex relationship, but in the world of cycling, Vingegaard and Schmiedel's bond continues to thrive, with professional respect and personal admiration.

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