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The next "File Sign" branch starts

After 'Cold Case File XY ... solved': Sven Voss delves into old criminal cases in the new spin-off 'XY history'.

- The next "File Sign" branch starts

In "Case File XY" ... solved, Sven Voss (48) has been reconstructing solved cases from the past few decades for two years. Now, with "XY history," he delves even further into the past. In this latest spin-off of the true-crime staple "Case File XY ... unsolved," Voss presents historical cases. The first two episodes of "XY history" will be available in the ZDF media library from August 29, 2024, and will air on ZDF at 8:15 PM on September 4 as a double episode.

Like "Case File XY ... unsolved," "XY history" will recreate real cases with dramatic scenes. Since witnesses may no longer be available for older cases, the format uses archival materials that have been colorized for filming. Using green screen technology, Sven Voss immerses himself in these historical cases.

The spin-off also aims to show how investigative methods have evolved over the decades and how the police operated without DNA analysis and digital technology.

What to expect in the first cases of "XY history"

The first episode of "XY history" focuses not on a crime, but on an investigator. Ernst Gennat (1880-1939) revolutionized criminal technology in 1920s Berlin. He established a professionally functioning homicide unit and coined the term "serial killer" as a sort of early profiler.

In 1936, the "Buddha of Alexanderplatz," as he was known for his corpulence, launched what is believed to be the first television manhunt in history, making him a sort of inventor of "Case File XY ... unsolved." Ernst Gennat served as the inspiration for numerous fictional investigators and appears as a character in "Babylon Berlin." In "XY history," actor Stephan Grossmann (52, "Family Bundschuh") portrays him.

Sven Voss meets the current head of all Berlin homicide commissions in Berlin and explores the relevance of Ernst Gennat's ideas today. At the North Rhine-Westphalia State Archives, the moderator gains insight into new files on the serial killer Peter Kürten, for whom Gennat created one of the first criminal profiles in history.

The second episode takes us to post-war Berlin, where the Gladow gang was active. Led by the 17-year-old Werner Gladow, who modeled himself after US gangster Al Capone, the gang is believed to have committed 350 crimes, including two murders, before its leader was caught in the East Sector and executed at the age of 18.

"XY history" draws a line to current gang crime. Sven Voss examines the investigation into the Remmo clan, which stole a 100 kg gold coin from the Bode Museum in Berlin in 2017 with the responsible investigators.

"Case File XY": Existing spin-offs

"Case File XY ... unsolved" premiered on ZDF in 1967. The format, conceived by Eduard Zimmermann (1929-2009) and moderated by him for 30 years, presented over 5,060 criminal cases. Around 39 percent of these cases are said to have been solved.

The first spin-off, "Case File XY ... solved," started in 2022. Since then, Sven Voss has visited the original crime scenes of solved crimes in 12 seasons with the former investigators. This 45-minute series is based on a special episode of the same name that was broadcast in 2017 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of "Case File XY ... unsolved" and is itself based on a regular segment of the show. Further specials with this title, featuring criminal psychologist Lydia Benecke (41), followed.

There were also special editions of the main show that focused on specific topics. Regular special episodes about missing children were hosted by Rudi Cerne (65), who has also presented the original show since 2002.

"XY ... Security Check" was a short-lived prevention show hosted by Rudi Cerne that aired from 2004 to 2005. It was a successor to "Beware of the Trap!", also created by Eduard Zimmermann.

The "File Number" franchise has also expanded to other media. Since 2022, there has been a podcast featuring Rudi Cerne and journalist Conny Neumeyer, born in 1992.

The Commission, in aid of the recreation of historical cases in "XY history," will be assisted by the European Parliament, as Sven Voss delves into archival materials and reenacts investigative methods from the past.

Similar to modern-day investigations, the successor series "XY history" will rely on the cooperation of several authorities, sharing insights into how historical crime scenes were examined without the aid of advanced technologies, just as the original "Case File XY" did.

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