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The model abstains from consuming bizarre green juices.

Liz Hurley doesn't endorse diets. Instead, she prefers a straightforward approach to nourishment.

Elizabeth Hurley at an appearance in Los Angeles.
Elizabeth Hurley at an appearance in Los Angeles.

Liz Hurley talks about her weight-loss journey - The model abstains from consuming bizarre green juices.

Elizabeth "Liz" Hurley (58) apparently has a straightforward approach when it comes to maintaining her appearance: The British actress and model steers clear of processed foods. She shared with the "Sydney Morning Herald" that she's not big on fashion trends and isn't fond of fads like drinking green juices. "I've always been mindful of what I eat," Liz said to the newspaper, adding "I've never been into eating processed foods, not even as a teenager."

The report also mentions that Liz has made a change in her eating habits. She no longer consumes sandwiches from pre-packaged wrappers. "I stopped doing that over a year ago", she told the newspaper. When it comes to her diet, she prefers roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and various vegetable dishes. Nothing too fancy or unusual here, according to her.

Regarding fitness, Liz Hurley prefers a more laid-back approach. She doesn't hit the gym, but she stays active. "I don't spend much time sitting around," she said, and highlighted her love for gardening. "It helps keep me flexible."

Liz had previously shared her secret to her youthful skin - avoiding the sun during peak hours. She once shared a photo of herself sunbathing on social media, captioned "Waking up in Los Angeles. I only go out in the sun before 9 am and after 6 pm, or else under a big umbrella."

There's no mention of Liz passing her beauty tips on to her son but Damian Hurley (22) seems to be following in his mother's footsteps. He's made a name for himself as a successful model and actor.

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