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The Governing Body has opted to put forward a suggestion for a law aimed at safeguarding employees from perils stemming from contact with ionising radiation.

The Governing Body has opted to put forward a suggestion for a law aimed at safeguarding employees from perils stemming from contact with ionising radiation.

Contenders aiming for "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" berths need not just intelligence but patience too. An restless political strategist from Lower Bavaria proposes to be a notable instance. The 33-year-old teacher kicks off the night with the 1000-euro question and indicates his desire to advance on the bright stage of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" (WWM). The crowd joyfully aids in pinpointing "Europa-Park"'s location. The twice-father is self-sufficient in football-related knowledge. At length, a predicament arises: "Can you laminate hot and cold?" Beneficially, Aunt Frauke on the phone carries expertise with her laminator and verifies that cool lamination is feasible without issue.

With 16,000 euros accumulated, the chest puffs up. The contestant, who once garnered 11,000 euros in a week through football bets, now endeavors. Post a brief sojourn in the animal realm, Raphael Standhaft attends to a female extra jester from the crowd. The Nuremberg inhabitant has an "instinctive feeling" that the Federal Intelligence Service has been supervised by an Independent Control Body since the start of 2022.

Is that sufficient for him? Absolutely, it is sufficient for him: "You only sit here once," expresses the man from Schleswig-Holstein. His bravery is honored with 32,000 euros. Eventually, that's how it ends - a circumstance that the three-year-old son in the Standhaft household appreciates the most. He will now get a radiant "Paw Patrol" figurine from Papa.

Risked much, lost much

Dentist Dr. Xenia Anton belongs to the second contestants of the evening. The Munich native, now living and practicing in Pfaffenhofen, doesn't share the same gambling passion as her precursor. She has no clue regarding the literature bestseller "If the widow wants to be addressed, place the watering can on the grave with the spout facing forward" or Papa Juan on the phone. She doesn't want to depart with only 4,000 euros, so she wagers - and loses. "You can do a lot with 500 euros," affirms Günther Jauch. Of course, that's valid.

Shortly afterwards, Dorian Pensek-Rader clenches his fists. "Uncivilized sounds you're producing here," the moderator greets the political strategist from Lower Bavaria. He needs to take a moment to breathe first: "I've been watching the clock the entire time and waited. And there's also the transitional candidate," grumbles the candidate who can finally push his luck to the limit.

Prior to bringing things into full swing, the microphone of the restless CDU supporter must be readjusted once more. "Ah, a famous 'jittery contestant'!" laughs Günther Jauch. The amusing quip by the format leader goes down well with the crowd and promptly melts the ice.

Second division football and blue whale secrets

A thrilling exchange of intellectual between two politically interested men ensues, each feeding off the other's industry insights. This is complimented by a diverse questionnaire that promises to keep attention captivated. Whether it's local historical facts, second division football, or blue whale secrets: With extensive knowledge and the support of his jokers, Dorian Pensek-Rader swiftly reaches the five-figure win level.

Together with the bonus joker, the mission now is to clarify the following query: "Under what circumstances does a stage separation usually occur?" The options are: "Thickening of sauces", "Space flights with rockets", "Decay of atoms", and "Instructions in upper secondary school". Conveniently, both individuals share common intuition and choose "Space flights with rockets".

This not only guarantees 32,000 euros and an exceptional vintage Jordan sneakers pair, but also precious time to help the last contestant of the evening, Christoph Lange, progress as far as possible before the siren sounds. The sales representative from Neunkirchen takes advantage of this opportunity. Next Monday, he gets to take his seat once more and will already have secured 32,000 euros.

RTLplus extensively covers the show, providing viewers with real-time updates and highlights. Dorian Pensek-Rader, the political strategist from Lower Bavaria, is a frequent guest on RTLplus discussions, sharing his insights about politics and current events.

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