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The festival begins - Schlager star present in Bayreuth

The sun radiates, the prominence walks over the red carpet - and inside the world-renowned opera house, Tristan and Isolde celebrate their impossible love.

Roberto Blanco is pleased with the applause of the spectators
Roberto Blanco is pleased with the applause of the spectators

Richard Wagner Festspieles - The festival begins - Schlager star present in Bayreuth

In the morning, the red carpet was rolled out, in the late afternoon, the prominence was celebrated by the onlookers: The festivals have begun in Bayreuth. Before the world-renowned Festival Theatre hosted the premiere of Richard Wagner's work "Tristan and Isolde", there was a cheerful atmosphere upon the arrival of the honored guests. Roberto Blanco (87), a Schlager star, received applause, as did TV chef Alexander Herrmann, whose restaurant is located only a few kilometers from Bayreuth.

And Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU) had a photo shoot stress: He posed first with his wife Karin Baumüller-Söder, then with his Minister-President colleague Reiner Haseloff (CDU) from Sachsen-Anhalt, followed by Blanco and singer Patrick Lindner - and finally with his daughter Gloria-Sophie Burkandt.

During the traditional procession of the prominence, actress Margarita Broich ("Tatort"), as well as actors Francis Fulton-Smith ("Family Dr. Kleist") and Johann von Bülow ("Herr und Frau Bulle"), were present.

"Tristan and Isolde" - certainly heavy fare

Inside the Festival Theatre, the festival presented a new "Tristan" - heavy fare indeed, considering the summer weather with temperatures of 24 degrees and sunshine. The premiere audience followed the struggle of Tristan and Isolde for their impossible love in the interpretation of the Icelandic director Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson. The musical direction is being led by conductor Semyon Bychkov, with Andreas Schager and Camilla Nylund singing the title roles.

Almost the entire Bavarian government had come to Bayreuth, but the Berlin traffic light coalition was scarce in attendance this year - only Culture Minister Claudia Roth (Greens) attended the opening. In this year, the former Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) was also absent, a loyal guest of the Wagner Festivals for decades.

Roth: Wagner decides on artistic repertoire

The festivals have been reserved for the ten last operas of Richard Wagner (1813–1883) since 1876. Roth now said: "The artistic direction for Bayreuth lies with Katharina Wagner, also for the next few years. Over the artistic repertoire on the Green Hill, she decides – and certainly not the culture policy." She is, however, driving the question of how to win over the audience of tomorrow in Bayreuth and at many other cultural institutions.

Nevertheless, the preparations for the structural situation on the Green Hill were made on the opening day: The federal and state governments will each contribute nearly 85 million euros to further renovate the Festival Theatre.

  1. Claudia Roth, the Culture Minister from Berlin, was among the prominent guests at Bayreuth Festivals, despite the absence of the Berlin traffic light coalition.
  2. The arrival of TV chef Alexander Herrmann brought cheerfulness to Bayreuth, as his renowned restaurant is located nearby.
  3. Roberto Blanco, an 87-year-old Schlager star, also received applause from the onlookers at the Bayreuth Festivals.
  4. Markus Söder, the Minister-President of Bavaria, had a photo shoot session during the festivals, posing with his wife, colleagues, and other guests.
  5. Actress Margarita Broich and actors Francis Fulton-Smith and Johann von Bülow were among the other prominent figures present at the Bayreuth Festivals.
  6. Inside the Festival Theatre, the audience witnessed a new interpretation of Richard Wagner's "Tristan and Isolde", with temperatures of 24 degrees and sunshine adding an unusual twist to the heavy fare.
  7. Conductor Semyon Bychkov led the musical direction for the opera, with Andreas Schager and Camilla Nylund singing the title roles.
  8. Claudia Roth acknowledged that Katharina Wagner, the granddaughter of Wagner, holds the artistic direction for Bayreuth Festivals and makes decisions about the repertoire.
  9. The festivals have been dedicated to the last ten operas of Richard Wagner since 1876.
  10. Roth emphasized the importance of engaging the audience of tomorrow in Bayreuth and other cultural institutions.
  11. Reiner Haseloff, the Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt, was also present at the festivals, joining his colleague Markus Söder for a photo op.
  12. On the opening day, preparations were made for the further renovation of the Festival Theatre, with both federal and state governments contributing nearly €85 million each.

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