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Tears, joy, no party: Martens and the Gold-Triumph

For the first time since 1988, a German swimmer wins Olympic gold in the pool. Martens delights German swimming legends. His goals do not fade even after the great victory.

Lukas Maertens applauded his Olympic win - but he didn't receive much celebration.
Lukas Maertens applauded his Olympic win - but he didn't receive much celebration.

Summer Games in Paris - Tears, joy, no party: Martens and the Gold-Triumph

Consciously abstaining from partying did not grant Olympian Lukas Märtens a peaceful gold night with restful sleep. "Two to three hours have passed by - like a short afternoon nap almost", said the German swimming hero from Paris and smiled. As if the evening before had been uneventful, the 22-year-old drew his lanes again at La Défense Arena the next day and focused on his next Olympic goals. Märtens is also among the medal contenders in the 200-meter Freestyle.

Märtens is a professional performance athlete through and through, not a party animal. He doesn't need a grand feast in the German house, no noisy celebration with champagne or beer. Märtens knows: His gigantic success cannot be taken away from him. The Olympic victory holds immense significance for German swimming as a whole.

Mother couldn't watch

When the last German man won Olympic gold in pool swimming, the country was still divided - and Märtens was not yet born. Michael Groß and Uwe Daßler (GDR) won in Seoul in 1988. For the women, Britta Steffen became a double Olympic champion in 2008. Since then, the German Swimming Federation had been waiting for pool gold - until Märtens' performance.

"That was a sensational performance, which I have only seen from other nations since I started watching Olympics", said Steffen to the German Press Agency. "Take off your hats, that was a sporting life achievement."

Even Märtens' mother was trembling on the tribune. She could hardly watch, only releasing her hands from her face and directing her gaze to the pool on the last meters. "It's going well for him, I can't believe it. It's not comprehensible", she said. Märtens' ex-girlfriend Isabel Gose caused emotional scenes as she cried tearfully in the ARD interview about her fifth place. Märtens himself fought back tears during the award ceremony and earlier in the water.

Swimming legends rejoice with Märtens

Franziska van Almsick, who had won ten silver or bronze medals at the Olympics in her career, was "proud and moved that Lukas Märtens was the first swimmer to bring a medal - and that's already a gold one - for the German team". The 46-year-old added: "That was so important for swimming in Germany, but also for German sports. Lukas is an example that hard work, the love for sports, and the will to win matter."

In fact, Märtens embodies this. He is a hard worker. Swimming is his great passion, to which he subordinates almost everything. Even health problems keep him from it. When he had to interrupt his Olympic preparation several times due to chronic sinusitis, he could have given up. Märtens didn't, he stayed positive. "If it seems the most unlikely, you might be able to grasp it the most", he said to himself. "The most important thing is to learn from setbacks."

Impressive development

Märtens has been steadily rising to become an absolute world-class swimmer in recent years. The protege of long-distance national team coach Bernd Berkhahn won a medal at the World Championships in 2022, 2023, and 2024. Team colleague Florian Wellbrock, who intervened in Olympic events on this Monday, also continued to develop. Märtens appears cool and self-confident. He has learned to deal with the growing expectation pressure on him.

From my point of view, his physical abilities and mental strength come together perfectly and beautifully, which is currently unmatched by any other swimmer in the world, said Steffen. "I'm fascinated by people who can handle pressure honestly and authentically, and I've experienced that here.",

No world record? For Merten's "couldn't care less"

Paul Biedermann was also impressed by Merten's race. "Cool, calm and sovereign. That's what this race was all about", he said. Biedermann was also preoccupied with Merten's gold race - at least his world record.

Actually, Merten wanted to attack the 15-year-old German swimming icon's record. That it didn't happen in 3:41.78 minutes bothered him with the gold medal around his neck according to his own statements, but not at all. "Many expected this record to fall. It doesn't matter to me if it has fallen or not. I'm on top, and I think I deserve it", said Merten. The world record remains a goal for the future and within reach - just like other Olympic medals.

Lukas Märtens, despite abstaining from partying, faced a restless night after his gold victory. Steffen, a former Olympic champion, acknowledged Märtens' performance as sensational and historic. The mother of the Olympic champion was visibly emotional during the race. Isabel Gose, Märtens' ex-girlfriend, also shed tears during an interview.

Märtens' impressive performance brought the first swimming gold medal for Germany since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The German Swimming Association and Franziska van Almsick, a ten-time Olympic medalist, celebrated Märtens' achievement. His mindset and dedication towards swimming have made him an inspiration for German athletes.

Anticipating a challenging lane draw, Märtens drew his lanes again at La Défense Arena with determination. Regardless of the pressure, he self-confidently aimed for his next Olympic goals in the 200-meter Freestyle. The German Press Agency praised Märtens' performance as a life achievement that the international swimming section should acknowledge.

Märtens' Olympic victory was not just a personal triumph but a significant event for Germans. It marked a turning point for swimming in Germany, which had not seen a male Olympic swimming champion for decades. The victory was a source of national pride and a reminder of East Germany's strong swimming history dating back to the summer games in Paris.

In light of his accomplishments, Märtens had become a hopeful medal candidate for future Olympic events. His mother, a fervent supporter, couldn't help but feel proud and nervous at the sight of her son on the international stage. Germany, both historically and presently, relished the moment while promising to continue supporting their medal candidates.

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