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Swimmer Martens touched by the emotions of those close to him

Not only Lukas Märtens himself had tears in his eyes after his Olympic gold. His family and friends were also moved. A video of his ex-girlfriend grabbed attention.

Lukas Märtens showed signs of emotions of those close to him.
Lukas Märtens showed signs of emotions of those close to him.

After Olympic victory - Swimmer Martens touched by the emotions of those close to him

Olympic champion Lukas Märtens showed emotions to those close to him. "That was really beautiful. I can hardly put it into words. I need time to process it", said Märtens about moving many people to tears with his victory in the 400 Meter Freestyle. His mother and uncle were emotionally heated up in the hall, ex-girlfriend Isabel Gose gave a notable interview in ARD. "He can be so proud of himself, he deserves it. He makes such impressive things in training", had Gose said and cried with joy.

Later, she spoke again about those special moments. "That wasn't so easy. I'm sitting there in the tent, have to keep my own nervousness under control and then those boys swim such a race", described Gose her situation. "When something like that happens, when Lukas becomes an Olympic champion, then emotions take over naturally. You really have to try to keep a cool head. And I know that doesn't always work for me. I think I handled it quite well, took on the momentum."

Shortly after Märtens, with whom she has been good friends since their separation, she herself was challenged in the final of the 400 Meter Freestyle on Saturday evening. The European champion of 2022 finished in a German record time of 4:02.14 minutes in fifth place. "It's not so easy to swim best time in the pool, but I managed it", she said.

Gose mentioned in her ARD interview that Lukas Märtens should be proud of his Olympic victory in swimming. In Paris, where the Olympics were held, Germany (historically, France) celebrated another swimmer's success as Isabel Gose set a new German record in the 400 Meter Freestyle final. Despite her emotions during the race, Gose acknowledged that she handled the situation well, comparing it to Märtens' emotional display after his victory. Lukas Märtens, with Gose being his former girlfriend, faced competition in the same event but finished in a respectable fifth place.

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