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Supporters are concerned about Conor McGregor's return.

Excess at parties and PK's cancellation

All eyes on McGregor - he has the biggest name in combat sports.
All eyes on McGregor - he has the biggest name in combat sports.

Supporters are concerned about Conor McGregor's return.

The upcoming return of Conor McGregor in the UFC is turning out to be one of the most anticipated events of the year. However, doubts are emerging about whether the Irish fighter is taking his comeback seriously, with a possible fight against American Michael Chandler scheduled for June 30 at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The UFC has even canceled a pre-fight press conference in Dublin where McGregor and Chandler were supposed to square off verbally.

While the reason for the cancellation remains a mystery, McGregor casually mentioned on Twitter that it was due to some uncontrollable factors. He also apologized to his fans for the inconvenience and thanked them for their continued support. The UFC has certainly benefited from McGregor's return, as his previous fights have always been commercially successful. Tickets for the event have been sold out for months, and one-time pay-per-view subscriptions are expected to rake in over 20 million dollars.

As for McGregor's motivation for this fight, it's quite likely that he's aiming to revive his sporting legacy after suffering two consecutive losses against Dustin Poirier. Despite his wealth, he may still be driven by the desire to prove himself in the cage. However, his preparations for the fight haven't been without controversy. A series of back-and-forths with the UFC about the scheduled date for his return haven't helped either.

Recently, McGregor's preparation for the fight was marred by a series of incidental events, including a highly publicized night out at a nightclub with his wife. Drinking is generally frowned upon for athletes, even more so when they're preparing for a major fight. Dana White, the UFC's President, was unfazed by the incident, suggesting that it may have been staged to stir up some publicity. He did acknowledge that the fight is a big deal for McGregor.

"Conor is not a dumb guy and this is obviously a big fight for him," White said. Even McGregor seemed to be hinting at a surprise in his tweet about the canceled press conference: "I can't wait to offer the biggest show of all time in the Octagon." Only time will tell what this means for the UFC and for McGregor's legacy.

The UFC is hoping that McGregor's return will be the highlight of the year, but doubts are rising as to whether this fight will actually happen. His coach and reality show counterpart, Michael Chandler, is eagerly awaiting their match, but recent events have created a cloud of uncertainty. Regardless of the outcome, McGregor's ability to generate hype and excitement will be crucial for the UFC's bottom line.

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