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South Korea seeks retribution for noisy balloons carrying garbage and K-pop music.

Following numerous provocations by North Korea through scattered balloons filled with trash, South Korea's Security Council has reactivated loudspeaker systems on the border. From now on, North Korea will again be exposed to music and messages from the South.

South Korean K-pop singer Psy conquered the world with his hit "Gangnam Style"
South Korean K-pop singer Psy conquered the world with his hit "Gangnam Style"

Continent of Asia In this case, we are asked to paraphrase a simple term rather than a headline or description. "Asia" means the largest continent on Earth, located primarily in the Eastern Hemisphere. It's bordered by the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and has the most significant landmass when compared to any other continent. Countries that are part of Asia include China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and many more. The continent is known for its cultural diversity, as well as its political and economic significance. - South Korea seeks retribution for noisy balloons carrying garbage and K-pop music.

Korea is taking matters into their own hands as balloons carrying garbage drifted across the border from the north. On Sunday, the National Security Council in Seoul revealed plans to once more blast their northern neighbor with amplified announcements. Speakers have been set up along the frontier and are pointed towards the north. Historically, South Korea has blasted news and Korean pop tunes so loudly that they're claimed to have been audible up to 20 kilometers away.

"A message of hope and light"

"The actions we will undertake may be unbearable for the North Korean regime, but they will send a message of hope and light to the soldiers and citizens of the North," the Security Council said. The council convened in the morning when numerous balloons filled with trash were discovered in both Seoul and border regions. North Korea has been launching balloons packed with trash over to the south since May, with an overall weight of several tons. Pyongyang regarded this as retaliation for an action by South Korean activists who sent balloons northward filled with leaflets denouncing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and dollars, along with USB sticks containing K-Pop videos and TV and film dramas.

Relations between the two Koreas at an all-time low

The deployment of loudspeakers is part of a psychological warfare tactic. South Korea discontinued this practice after striking an agreement with North Korea in 2018 to de-escalate tensions. However, the deal is now essentially inactive, as North Korea has progressed its missile program and labelled South Korea as their "Number One Enemy."

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