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Sound ofbreak-up echoes from summer vacation

Maintains trustworthiness through his knowledge: Rapper Yugo takes on the character of Ted Candy.
Maintains trustworthiness through his knowledge: Rapper Yugo takes on the character of Ted Candy.

Sound ofbreak-up echoes from summer vacation

Revisiting Hip-Hop and Rap, mixed with a murder investigation, might seem dull at first glance. However, it's quite engaging - not due to the murder.

Inspector Eisner (Harald Krassnitzer) has spent barely any time delving into Vienna's hip-hop scene in 2024, yet his assessment is clear-cut and critical: "Overinflated egos, misogynistic lyrics, flashy vehicles. Outdated to the core." And it's true, the music video for Akman 47's (Murat Seven) track that Eisner just watched could easily have been filmed in Berlin during the 2000s. However, gangsta rap is not the be-all and end-all of the genre, and that's exactly what the first "Tatort" following the long summer break, titled "Deine Mutter," aims to convey.

A Sunday evening crime drama serving as a hip-hop and rap tutorial? A risky venture, led by director Mirjam Unger and screenwriter Franziska Pflaum. But it pays off, largely due to their passion for the genre - Unger spent years as a music journalist and co-founded the popular Austrian youth station FM4 in 1995 - and the inclusion of Aleksandar Simonovski, better known as "Yugo" and "Jugo Urdens," who is established in the rap scene itself. "It's undeniably authentic," Yugo mentions about the film where he plays the murder victim Ted Candy. "I was able to contribute my knowledge for almost every aspect."

The crime story falls short

"Hip-Hop has a global impact, with artists from diverse styles, attitudes, and backgrounds," Unger clarifies. "In our film, Ted Candy embodies mainstream Hip-Hop as a popular pop culture icon and a social media sensation." His counterpart, Akman 47, represents "the veteran of hardcore gangster rap, who peaked in Germany around 2010." And finally, there's Bashir (Francis Ayozieuwa aka "Frayo 47"), who plays a more significant role later in the film: "As the outsider, he belongs to the younger generation that advocate for old-school authenticity and rely on the raw truth of Hip-Hop."

The fact that "Deine Mutter" could also engage with topics such as queerness, homophobia, and misogyny in rap in a credible and humorous manner is quite an accomplishment. It almost makes you overlook the fact that the film struggles as a crime story due to some uneven pacing in the middle.

The first television series that delves into the world of hip-hop and rap, titled "Deine Mutter," aims to challenge the stereotypes associated with gangsta rap. Its director, Mirjam Unger, has a passion for the genre and co-founded FM4, an Austrian youth station.

Despite its strong focus on hip-hop culture, "Deine Mutter" also faces challenges as a crime story, experiencing some uneven pacing in the middle.

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