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Soccer mishaps on "Schlag den Star": Mehmet Scholl faces embarrassment with his questions - and departs hurtedly.

For the first instance since Elton's dismissal, Matthias Opdenhövel once again hosted "Schlag den Star." However, the night was not without incidents; candidate Mehmet Scholl had to be replaced.

"Schlag den Star" contestant Mehmet Scholl (left) had to be replaced after a short time on Sunday
"Schlag den Star" contestant Mehmet Scholl (left) had to be replaced after a short time on Sunday

Return of Matthias Opdenhövel - Soccer mishaps on "Schlag den Star": Mehmet Scholl faces embarrassment with his questions - and departs hurtedly.

Over the weekend, for the first occasion in the entire run of "Schlag den Star", an athlete required replacement during gameplay: Previously well-known footballer Mehmet Scholl was set to face his teammate Markus Babbel in a competition. But even before the proceedings began, Scholl was visibly hobbling. He made it known to the new host, Matthias Opdenhövel, who's steered the show for the first time since his dismissal, that he was dealing with knee issues. Despite this discomfort, Scholl later took part - but things soon got rough.

"Schlag den Star" featured a series of football-inspired challenges. In one such task, Scholl and Babbel were expected to kick a ball into the air and catch it in baskets on their backs. Even though Babbel executed this with panache, quickly collecting the first ball in his basket, Scholl couldn't replicate the feat. However, the major blunder came later: These two; football players were tasked with naming the mascots of German 'Bundesliga' teams and failed at well-known clubs. "Wait a minute, champions or not, what's going on here?", Opdenhövel couldn't prevent himself from asking.

"Schlag den Star" descended into utter chaos. After about an hour, it was suddenly Mehmet Scholl's turn to pause: He didn't reappear after a commercial break. In contrast, Opdenhövel unveiled a substitute instead: "Mehmet actually has more severe knee issues... The substitute player is already in the house. He also holds the European Championship from 1996, it's Thomas Helmer!"

Things didn't improve much with Helmer either. A setback in the "Hot Rod" challenge was swiftly followed by a misfit set of magnets for another game. Despite the hurdles, Opdenhövel thrived through the whole production. Finally, after more than five hours, the event ended with Markus Babbel being declared the winner, leaving Helmer unable to catch up to the lead accrued by Scholl.

To note: Opdenhövel's prior host, Elton, did express a wish for a "smooth show" on Instagram, but then posted to his account: "Phew...Ok...Probably an early night tonight", as screenshots on 'X' confirm. However, Elton has since taken this post down.

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