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Singer with stone on "Walk of Fame" honored

Gelsenkirchen in Taylor-Swift-Fever: On the 'Walk of Fame' of the city, the singer temporarily has her own plaque.

This plate with Taylor Swift's portrait and data of her concert in Gelsenkirchen can be found...
This plate with Taylor Swift's portrait and data of her concert in Gelsenkirchen can be found temporarily on the city's 'Walk of Fame'.

Taylor Swift in Gelsenkirchen - Singer with stone on "Walk of Fame" honored

From July 17th to 19th, pop star Taylor Swift (34) is likely to put Gelsenkirchen (Gelsenkirchen) in ecstasy. The biggest music star on the planet will reportedly perform three concerts in the city in the Ruhr area between Wednesday and Friday. Gelsenkirchen has been preparing for this mega-event for weeks. Yellow signposts with a portrait of the singer labeled "Swiftkirchen" instead of Gelsenkirchen have been hanging in the city since the beginning of the month. Swift has also received her own stone on the Gelsenkirchen "Walk of Fame".

Taylor Swift Days in Gelsenkirchen

On Tuesday, July 16th, Mayor Karin Welge (62) unveiled Swift's plaque in the Buer district, as can be seen in an Instagram post by the politician. The city's "Walk of Fame" is usually reserved for well-known personalities with a close connection to Gelsenkirchen - such as Schalke legend Rudi Assauer (1944-2019). Therefore, the stone will be replaced with a neutral one after the three concerts, as stated on the City of Gelsenkirchen's website.

The temporary plaque offers an excellent photo opportunity for Swift's fans, the "Swifties". In addition to this pavement stone, there are other Swift attractions in Gelsenkirchen to explore. On Heinrich-König-Platz, you can find "Taylor Town" during the concert days, where fans can sing karaoke, DJs can play music, and there's even a tattoo stand. Posters of the singer adorn the cityscape, and the local tram, on which Swift's likeness also appears, is also a popular spot for selfies and photos.

  1. The base plate of Taylor Swift's temporary plaque on Heinrich-Köning-Platz is a popular spot for selfies among her fans.
  2. The event organizers have installed a base plate for Taylor Swift in the Buer district, which will be replaced with a neutral one after her concerts, as per the City of Gelsenkirchen's announcement.
  3. The development of Gelsenkirchen's infrastructure for Taylor Swift's concert included installing yellow signposts with her portrait labeled "Swiftkirchen."
  4. Rudi Assauer, a Schalke legend from the Ruhr Area, is one of the well-known personalities with a stone on Gelsenkirchen's "Walk of Fame," along with Taylor Swift.

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