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Sing along to: "Save the Queen" ♪ Graphina engages in self-biting during ♪

In jungle camp history, an alleged record-breaking 'All You Can Eat' event earned notoriety, carrying the slogan: Unyielding craving for the title. Justifiably, Georgina Fleur claimed the throne.

In Recognition of Remarkable Remarkables: Georgina Fleur Receives Homage from Jan Köppen and Sonja...
In Recognition of Remarkable Remarkables: Georgina Fleur Receives Homage from Jan Köppen and Sonja Zietlow Following Her Coronation as Queen of the Jungle Enclave

- Sing along to: "Save the Queen" ♪ Graphina engages in self-biting during ♪

"It's got a bitter taste to it," Kader Loth kept repeating, but the beverages she was downing one after another didn't seem that grim: a combination of raspberry smoothie and 'slipper stormer'. However, anyone who's participated in the stiefel-drinking at the Altbier festival in Bienenbüttel knows how tricky such a mix can be. Indeed, Kader was already falling behind, but let's break it down step by step.

The Five Jungle Campers Fight for the Title

It's the concluding stage of the Jungle legends summer camp. I'm back in the spotlight – the festive interlude of the jubilee year. Despite the weather conditions, five contestants remained in the semi-finals: Gigi, Sarah, Kader, Mola, and Georgina. But the numbers dwindled swiftly.

Since the entire event was already being filmed, unlike the live telecasts of the traditional January camp, the audience's vote was not applicable, as it hadn't been for the previous 16 days. Instead, the remaining contestants had to nominate each other or compete against one another for their chance to stay. It was all done in a hurry, and Mola and Sarah exited, leaving Kader, Georgina, and Gigi for the final round.

Together, they embarked on one final scavenger hunt. The three title contenders had to catch balls at a combination of pinball and slot machines, and the reward was a three-course dinner. Appetizers, spaghetti, and pizza, artfully arranged and flavorfully seasoned, leaving Gigi utterly delighted. After dessert, with the ice cream menu served, one might have thought they'd sealed the deal.

Terrors from the Nightmare Kitchen

But not quite – the final, no, the penultimate Jungle challenge awaited. With their heads inside plastic balloons filled with snakes and guts, and their hands immersed in cockroaches and ants, they had to endure for six minutes before guessing the time accurately based on their internal clocks. Unsurprisingly, youthful impatience proved to be an inaccurate timekeeper, with adrenaline-fuelled Gigi calling it a day after a leisurely four and a half minutes. Such is the speed of legends' falls. Farewell, Birofio. No title, but women's power in the semi-finals.

Kader and Georgina were served one last meal, but after the gourmet delight of the previous night, it was back to freak show snacks. Rat tails, millennium-old eggs redecorated by the devil himself for a Satanic Easter feast, and a bed of impala eyeballs – remember the legendary yes/no question: "Chicken or monkey?" – that were already teasing the throat. Georgina Flor swallowed the dead eyes of Mpumalanga, following Edgar Wallace's lead, along with the eggs and tails, leading 3-0. One more would have reigned supreme.

Kader Loth needed to hold her own, not wanting to miss her final chance at the throne, and so she pretended to want to consume the visually appalling but revolting Kotzfrucht-Shots, ten in total. No time for idle chatter, she put her head down and began drinking. "It's got a bitter taste to it," she noted, downing shot after shot, her final verdict: "It smells like crap!" Those who had wondered if the Schmodder-Schmusies were truly that bad now had their suspicions confirmed. "I'll be spending an hour on the toilet," Kader concluded afterward.

Georgina Flor Triumphs with Vomit and Wind

She had to fully endure this ordeal, as with the next serving – chicken innards in small bowls – Georgina literally sealed the deal. She dared to take on ten of these, proving her confidence with her estimate. Unbelievable how she managed to consume these ten bowls of aftertaste, winded and vomiting – "It seems juicy," Jan Köppen commented – and ultimately crowned herself the Jungle Queen Georgina, the I.

The final point of two intense weeks, starting with the crazy David Ortega, the temporary fall from grace of Thorsten Legat's favorite status, and Gigi's slip before the finish line. Then the final duel between the grandes dames, Kader Loth and Georgina Flor, both of whom deserved the title, one for her empathetic, scandal-free run, the other for this hardcore eating finale. The competition continues in January 2025, and we can already look forward to seeing who will be gathered around the campfire then. After the consistently entertaining summer interlude, there's almost a sense of anticipation, even if it's best to remain realistic, as Kader put it:

"It will take weeks to process all of this."

In that spirit: Until next time. Have a restful night, everyone.

The Jungle Camp's Final Challenge

As the sun began to set, Kader Loth and Georgina Flor were led to the heart of the Jungle camp for their final challenge. The air was filled with anticipation as they knew this was their chance to claim the title of Jungle camp champion.

The Bitter Kotzfrucht-Shots

Standing before them was a tray of ten Kotzfrucht-Shots, known for their notoriously bitter taste. Kader, determined to hold her own and not miss her final opportunity, took a deep breath and downed the first shot. "It's got a bitter taste to it," she remarked, her resolve not wavering as she continued to drink, one shot after another.

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