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She's not yet at 100 percent: Lena celebrates comeback with pulled handbrake

Three weeks after cancelling concerts in Munich and Wangen, Lena Meyer-Landrut was back on stage. However, during the concert in Plauen, it was apparent that she was not yet her old self.

On June 3, 2024, Lena performed on the open-air stage in Hamburg's Stadtpark. Her concert in Munich...
On June 3, 2024, Lena performed on the open-air stage in Hamburg's Stadtpark. Her concert in Munich had to be cancelled at the end of the month, as well as her appearance in Wangen, Baden-Wuerttemberg. However, on Friday evening, she sang before an audience for the first time since then.

Concert in Plauen - She's not yet at 100 percent: Lena celebrates comeback with pulled handbrake

Does she come or doesn't she? This was the most pressing question for fans of Lena Meyer-Landrut on Friday. After the singer had to cancel two concerts due to illness at the end of June, there was great anticipation as to whether the 33-year-old would appear in the Saxon town.

The good news: She did. According to an RTL report, Lena entered the Park Theater in Plauen on Friday evening with a delay of nearly 60 minutes. And she got straight to work musically. As TikTok videos show, the mood was good as Lena gave her ESC winning song "Satellite" her best.

In between, the singer let it be known that this evening was particularly special for her. "I have to say, I was very excited before today," she was quoted as saying by RTL. It hurt her in her soul "to leave the people who had come."

Lena Meyer-Landrut is still not fully recovered

Fortunately, that didn't happen in the Saxon town. Meyer-Landrut let it be known, however, that she was still far from being fully recovered. "I would say I'm at about 70%," she said according to RTL. During the concert, the ESC winner of 2010 reportedly drank tea and coughed frequently.

Her concert at the "Tollwood" Summer Festival in Munich's Olympiapark on June 29 was cancelled "shortly, due to sudden health reasons." "I wasn't feeling well during the day and then in the evening I had cramp-like abdominal and kidney pain," the singer reported on Instagram. She had to be taken to the hospital just before the show started. She also had to cancel her performance the following day in Baden-Württemberg's Wangen. She had to go to the hospital again "with strong pains."

The worst is apparently over – she showed this with her appearance in Plauen. At the same time, Lena made it clear with her statements: She is still a long way from her old strength.

Sources:, TikTok

Transparency note: The star is part of RTL Deutschland.

  1. Despite her health challenges, Lena Meyer-Landrut managed to make a comeback in Plauen, delivering her ESC-winning song "Satellite" with enthusiasm as seen in various TikTok videos.
  2. Lena's concert in Munich's Olympiapark on June 29 was cancelled last minute due to sudden health issues, with her experiencing abdominal and kidney pain.
  3. Surprisingly, the concert in Plauen took place despite Lena still not being fully recovered, with her admitting she was operating at around 70% of her usual strength.
  4. Contending with frequent coughing breaks and tea consumption during the concert, Lena made it clear that she was still working towards regaining her full strength, hoping to leave the stage well in the future.

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