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She picked this college.

Suri Cruise, daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, discloses her decision on which institution to join from fall. [ ]()

Suri Cruise is going to college from August.
Suri Cruise is going to college from August.

Katie Holmes' Daughter, Suri, Spotted in New York City Outing - She picked this college.

Pretty soon, a fresh chapter unfolds for Suri Cruise (18): April marked her 18th birthday, and in the coming weeks, she'll be packing up to start her college experience. The location of her higher education has been decided.

Suri Cruise picks Carnegie Mellon University as her school

The British tabloid "Daily Mail" shares that in a TikTok clip, Suri Cruise, the offspring of Katie Holmes (45) and Tom Cruise (61), announces the institute she'll be attending in autumn. Reportedly, Suri plans to attend school in Pittsburgh, USA, which is in the state of Pennsylvania. In the video, she enthusiastically shows off a red sweater, embellished with the letters "Carnegie Mellon."

The specific field of study Suri Cruise will focus on at the prestigious university is undisclosed.As per "Daily Mail", she's fascinated by fashion design. At the Carnegie Mellon University, her pursuit will probably come true, as the school offers a separate campus within its College of Fine Arts for this major. The semester starts in August.

Notable figures that attended this establishment

By joining the esteemed Carnegie Mellon University, Suri Cruise joins ranks with some greats: 20 Nobel laureates, 142 Emmy winners, 52 Tony-awarded artists, and 13 Oscar recipients make up the list of former and current students. Additionally, it boasts famous actors like Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Joe Manganiello (47),and Leslie Odom Jr. (42), to name a few.

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