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She fights back against cruel remarks on the internet.

Daniela Büchner, who has experienced significant weight loss, faces a wave of criticism online. She is now responding to the negative comments.

She has since lost a lot of weight: Daniela Büchner in 2021.
She has since lost a lot of weight: Daniela Büchner in 2021.

Daniela Büchner - Rewritten Daniela Büchner?: Remade Phrase - She fights back against cruel remarks on the internet.

The reality TV celebrity, Daniela Büchner (46), has experienced a substantial change in her appearance recently. She's lost around 20 kilograms, making her look significantly slimmer. This transformation infuses a new zest for life within her, and she's visibly more comfortable in her "new" body. She flaunts her figure through regular mirror selfies and bikini photos on Instagram.

Concerns Amid Weight Loss

Despite this newfound joy, she has uncovered some anxieties, such as the possibility of regaining weight. Her five children also expressed concerns that a health condition could be responsible for her sudden weight loss. In addition, various users have criticized her appearance, with comments like "completely inappropriate for her age" or "wow, how old and rundown she looks." They also questioned whether she used a weight loss drug, such as Ozempic.

Daniela Büchner and Ozempic

Büchner has refuted all these allegations, asserting that she lost weight naturally through exercise and diet modifications. She follows a meticulous carbolicious diet, focusing on low calorie intake. Her approach entails a high-protein consumption, plenty of vegetables, salads, eggs, with a tilt towards reduced sugar substitutes. She also maintains a rigorous routine by walking for at least 7,000 steps a day and performs home workouts several times a week.

Airting the "Dschungelcamp" celebrity special in South Africa played a vital role in aiding her weight loss further.

Bücher expresses how the frequent accusations regarding Ozempic and other such substances have been distressing. "It's impossible to satisfy everyone all the time. Earlier, when I put up a photo, someone said I was too fat; now I've lost a lot of weight and they say that I look lifeless. What should I do now?" Büchner was quoted by Bild as sharing her thoughts.

The widow of Jens Büchner (1969-2018) emphasized that she's not interested in using weight-loss drugs, citing adverse reactions observed in her acquaintances as a deterrent. She clarified, "I've heard of Ozempic and considered trying it briefly. But after seeing friends who took it and suffered negative consequences, I decided against it."

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