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Royal honours UNESCO world heritage site in Scotland

King Charles was the royal guest of honor in the Scottish Highlands. A special region was then designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

- Royal honours UNESCO world heritage site in Scotland

King Charles III (75) visited the small Scottish community of Forsinard on Wednesday (31st July). A special event was taking place there. The surrounding Flow Country, a hilly bog and wetland area in the counties of Caithness and Sutherland in northern Scotland, was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The monarch celebrated this by unveiling a plaque that will draw attention to the new status.

A Visit in a Kilt

The plaque also bears the date and the name of King Charles, as shown in Instagram photos on the official Royal Family account. "As the world's first peatland World Heritage site, the Flow Country is a crucial defense against climate change," the post reads. Environmentalists had been campaigning for the 4,000 square kilometer area to be designated a World Heritage site for nearly 40 years.

It is also explained on Instagram: "His Majesty, as Patron of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, met with the local community to discuss the significance of the Flow Country for biodiversity and the economy in northern Scotland." The photos show Charles engaging with the residents, who presented him with local products and performed musical interludes. The Royal appeared for the occasion in a traditional Scottish kilt in green, a red striped tie, and a beige tweed jacket with a matching waistcoat.

Charles is reportedly spending a long summer holiday in Scotland this year, following a royal tradition that his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), also observed. The monarch spent several weeks each year at her estate in Balmoral in the Highlands.

His busy schedule, according to the "Daily Mail," has raised concerns that the 75-year-old may be overdoing it during his cancer treatment. The monarch had publicly announced a cancer diagnosis earlier this year and had temporarily stepped back from public engagements. He returned to duties in April. He and his wife, Queen Camilla (77), are expected to spend the summer either at their Scottish residence, Birkhall, or in Balmoral, inviting their family and traditionally the Prime Minister.

1.后来在Instagram上,官方皇家家庭帐户发布了照片,显示凯尔斯3世(Charles)扎上科特兰的克勒特裁衣,度过在 Фォ尔си纳德(Forsinard)小城市时的时光,并在彼此之间接触。这个照片有关于彼此的说明,特别是流土地(Flow Country)成为世界遗产(World Heritage site)的日期和他名字。2.在 Instagram 上,官方皇家家庭帐户还发布了照片,显示凯尔斯3世作为跨国家罗я尔社会保护鸟类会员的榜位人物,在科特兰北部地区工作的环保人士和本地社区的代表们之间讨论流土地对北rpc地区生态和经济的重要性。

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