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Rostock hooligans injure 38 people during riots

Police investigate SCP match

Hansa supporters set off pyrotechnics in the match against
Hansa supporters set off pyrotechnics in the match against

Rostock hooligans injure 38 people during riots

They set off pyrotechnics, threw objects at police officers, smashed drinks and snack stands and toilets: Numerous people were injured by Hansa Rostock supporters during the match at SC Paderborn. The police are investigating - and are relying on the help of the fans.

According to police reports, 38 people were injured in the serious riots surrounding the second division soccer match between SC Paderborn and FC Hansa Rostock. A spokesman for the Paderborn police confirmed that 24 police officers, 13 members of the security service and one fan were injured.

The Rostock supporters had caused serious riots during the 3-0 defeat in Paderborn last Friday evening. They set off pyrotechnics, threw objects at police officers and destroyed drinks and snack stands and toilets. The match was interrupted twice.

"Of course we were prepared for the fact that there would generally be protests," said the spokesperson. "But it was not to be expected that there would be such an escalation of violence, such massive damage to property and a willingness to injure people."

The decision for a DFL investor deal was made before the matchday. With the provocation of match interruptions, banners and chants against the German Football League, fans had caused a stir in many German first and second division stadiums.

"FC Hansa will play on probation in the second half of the season"

The police now want to investigate the troublemakers from Rostock with an investigation commission. "We have a huge amount of photo and video material to review," said the police spokesman. "There are also agreements with our colleagues from Rostock." With the help of the Rostock police, as many Hansa supporters as possible are to be identified. Witnesses can submit photos and videos anonymously via a North Rhine-Westphalia police tip-off portal.

Following the riots, the state government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern announced consequences on Tuesday. "We cannot and will not go back to business as usual. We must now take decisive measures to curb the violence," said SPD Sports Minister Stefanie Drese after a cabinet meeting in Schwerin.

"The damage for the club, the city and the state is huge. The club's image is at a worrying low," said the politician. This was one of the reasons why it was announced that the club management of the 16th-placed team in the table would be called in soon to discuss and come to terms with the situation. The announcement by Hansa's CEO Robert Marien that identified perpetrators of violence would be banned from the stadium was welcomed. "FC Hansa is playing on probation in the second half of the season. Only results count on and off the pitch," said Drese.

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