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Richard Lugner's newlywed spouse displays ecstatic joy.

"Enjoyed a lengthy wedding sleep."

The day was long - but the night was even longer: Simone Reiländer and Richard Lugner.
The day was long - but the night was even longer: Simone Reiländer and Richard Lugner.

Richard Lugner's newlywed spouse displays ecstatic joy.

Richard Lugner's sixth wife, Simone Reilander, refers to him as her one true love. Shortly after their wedding, she revealed what she finds so great about her ex-husband. She also shared some details about her wedding night with the 91-year-old.

During a recent weekend in Vienna, Lugner and Reilander's marriage became official in a town hall ceremony. Friends and photographers witnessed the 91-year-old's sixth nuptial event. This was the first wedding for "Bienchen," as Reilander is fondly called.

In an interview with the "Bild" newspaper, the garden center's deputy manager discussed how she and Lugner first met. She responded to an ad in an Austrian daily newspaper about three years ago placed by Lugner. Reilander recalled, "I'd always found him attractive, but at the time, he was always with some wild women. So I thought to myself: He needs a sensible woman!"

It wasn't love at first sight, she admitted, but she felt warm after each meeting and always had a smile on her face. "Richard just made me feel good," she gushed.

Reilander was particularly drawn to Lugner because he is "successful and hardworking" and knows "what life is all about." She had always wanted a partner she could respect and learn from. Additionally, his gentlemanly qualities, including being "romantic and having a big, kind heart," appealed to her.

The age gap didn't bother her, she assured, stating, "What matters is that you're compatible." Financial aspects weren't relevant to their love story, Reilander insisted, dismissing the rumors. "Someone will always find something to complain about."

Reilander now calls her husband "Schatz," instead of Mr. Lugner. She proudly shared this information in the "Bild" interview. "We had a very long wedding night," she revealed, indicating her happiness in her new marriage. Perhaps Lugner's fourth wife, Christina, better known as "Mausi," will soon be overjoyed – she collected the bridal bouquet during the weekend.

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