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Prince Harry fears assassination attempts on Meghan

Prinz Harry's concern for his family's well-being, which is so great, was explained in a new docu with drastic examples.

Prince Harry, as stated by him, cannot travel to Britain with Duchess Meghan out of concern for...
Prince Harry, as stated by him, cannot travel to Britain with Duchess Meghan out of concern for her.

Has the couple never traveled together to England? - Prince Harry fears assassination attempts on Meghan

Prince Harry (39) emphasized in the ITV documentary "Tabloids on Trial" broadcasted on Thursday evening (25th July), how the British media endangers the lives of his family, particularly his wife Duchess Meghan (42), who is rarely given a good press in the British tabloids of his homeland. This could possibly be the reason why the couple may never make a joint trip to Britain again?

Currently, he cannot in good conscience travel to his homeland with Meghan. According to the doc, "The Independent" quoted Prince Harry as saying: "It's still dangerous. All it takes is one actor, one person who reads what they've read and reacts. And whether it's a knife or acid, whatever it is - these things really concern me. That's one of the reasons why I won't bring my wife back to this country."

For years, Harry has criticized the British government's decision to no longer provide him and his family with a state-guaranteed police protection during visits to his homeland. This protection was withdrawn on the grounds that he was no longer an actively working member of the British royal family and therefore had no claim to it.

Harry's Battle Against the Press

In the ITV documentary "Tabloids On Trial", the focus is on Prince Harry's legal battle against the British tabloid press, particularly against the British publisher Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN), publisher of "The Daily Mirror". A court found it proven in a phone hacking trial that Prince Harry had been illegally intercepted and allegedly secured him a "substantial compensation" as a result.

"You've pushed me too far", Prince Harry explains in the doc his decision to sue the publisher. "A line had been crossed, and you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. But I believe there's no one in the world who was better suited to handle it."

Mordanschlag, as translated from German, is a term often used to describe Prince Harry's concerns about the danger posed to his wife Duchess Meghan by the British tabloids. Duchess Meghan has rarely received positive coverage in the British tabloids, which could potentially be a factor preventing the couple from traveling to the United Kingdom together again. According to Prince Harry, the British media's actions are a significant concern, as just one individual reacting to newspaper articles could potentially pose a threat to his family's safety, with weapons such as knives or acid being a possibility. During the ITV documentary "Tabloids on Trial," Prince Harry discussed his legal battle against the British tabloid press, specifically targeting the publisher Mirror Group Newspapers, who allegedly illegally intercepted his phone and secured him substantial compensation as a result of their actions.

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