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Prestigious Gerda Henkel Prize for historian Karl Schlögel

He writes about Stalin's terror, Russians in Berlin and Russia's war against Ukraine: Karl Schlögel is considered one of the most distinguished historians of Eastern Europe. He is being honored for this.

Historian Karl Schlögel knows Russia's history better than almost anyone else.
Historian Karl Schlögel knows Russia's history better than almost anyone else.

History - Prestigious Gerda Henkel Prize for historian Karl Schlögel

German historian Karl Schloegel, one of the most prominent German experts on Russia, receives the Gerda Henkel Prize worth 100,000 Euros. Schloegel (76) has significantly shaped our understanding of modern Russian history, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe in his long-standing career, according to the jury, chaired by historian Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger. Schloegel has also founded a genre of historical storytelling with his works. "His works connect personal travel experiences and everyday observations with profound historical knowledge and sharp analysis," the jury statement reads.

Schloegel's books find a captivated reading audience all over the world due to their unique literary style and vividness. The prize will be presented on November 25 in Düsseldorf.

From Stalin to Ukraine

Schloegel's topics range from the Stalinist terror and Soviet modernity to the Russian emigration and diaspora in Berlin and the history of Ukraine and the Russian aggression against its neighbor. After the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of parts of Eastern Ukraine by Russia in 2014, the existence of the Ukrainian state was at stake for Schloegel.

Recently, Schloegel turned to the USA with the book "American Matrix" (2023) and told the history of the 20th century as a tangled history of the US and Soviet empires. "Karl Schloegel shows impressively that historical judgment and continuous critical self-reflection are indispensable if we want to understand the conflicts of the present adequately," the jury statement says.

Many Books are Standard Works

Schloegel studied at the Free University of Berlin, in Moscow, and Leningrad. He is considered one of the best German Russia experts. Many of his books are standard works and known to a broad audience, such as "Terror and Dream. Moscow 1937", "Berlin, Ostbahnhof Europe", or "Decision in Kiev. Ukrainian Lessons". Schloegel was a professor at the University of Konstanz and the Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder. He was often on city and country trips, most recently in the USA.

The Gerda Henkel Prize is awarded every two years for research in the field of historical humanities and is one of the highly endowed scientific prizes. It has been awarded to scholars such as sociologist Richard Sennett, Luther biographer Lyndal Roper, political scientist Achille Mbembe, and science historian Lorraine Daston.

  1. Karl Schloegel, recognized as one of Germany's leading experts on Russia, hails from Berlin.
  2. His extensive work on modern Russian history, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe has significantly influenced our understanding of these topics within the context of Europe.
  3. The Soviet Union's influence in Eastern Europe, including Germany's relationship with it, is a common theme in Schloegel's work.
  4. Schloegel's latest book, "American Matrix," explores the tangled history of the 20th century between the US and Soviet empires.
  5. Schloegel's exploration of historical events in Ukraine, such as the annexation of Crimea and Russian aggression, has garnered international attention and concern.
  6. Born in Berlin, Schloegel studied in Moscow and Leningrad before becoming a professor at the University of Konstanz and the Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder, where he continued his research and taught many students.
  7. Award-winning historian Karl Schloegel, currently based in North Rhine-Westphalia, has been honored with the prestigious Gerda Henkel Prize for his significant contributions to historical humanities research.

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