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Preparing for a return to the gym: essential items for your swimsuit collection

Lenny Kravitz's body sculpting techniques have been mastered by our columnist for years. Delving into the realm of biceps and six-packs.

Lifting weights in the gym: a ritual for many people
Lifting weights in the gym: a ritual for many people

M. Beisenherz: Apologies, I'm present in a personal capacity. - Preparing for a return to the gym: essential items for your swimsuit collection

When you visit the gym like Lenny Kravitz does, you'll notice it's not the same for everyone. Lenny's cool workout style in long black leather pants and net shirt on the bench may seem out of place for a regular gym-goer like Schwenkgrill-Uwe, who could draw stares from the crowd if he wore a similar outfit.

Around this time of year, it's common to notice a shift in the gym atmosphere. The energy that filled fitness centers after the new year starts to dwindle, and people are striving to get rid of the belly fat and reveal their six-packs. It's like the excitement around the Berlin Wall when people dressed strangely and gathered optimistically towards a better future.

If you grew up in the 90s, you might remember fitness studios as iron huts populated by four-eyed guys in tracksuits. The staff was mainly made up of old heating and scaffolding workers, people from the scene, and lost teenagers like me. I was one of them, eagerly watching movies like "Rocky," "Terminator," and almost everything Van Damme had to offer. One of these workers, Adi, a Polish mason, could imitate Van Damme's moves to the point that it almost hit our noses!

We teenagers used to greet the older gym-goers with a handshake before working out and laughed a lot. We'd press and pull on the rickety machines, getting bigger muscles. The women looked like they were from a Mentos ad, sitting on the stationary bike with a glass of champagne in front of the bar. The men had hair like Wolfgang Petry and wore bright outfits that made Robert Geiss a millionaire.

Bodybuilding was still a niche pursuit for the uneducated. But after a few months, we started to see our abdominal muscles peek through the mirror - a sight that became helpful for the swimming season.

Over the years, the country has become more and more Californian. The division between those who sculpt, torture, and optimize their bodies and those who fear it has become clearer. Now, only a few untrained young people can be seen at the swimming pool. By my 40s, it became fashionable to maintain a slim figure.

If a 60-year-old Lenny Kravitz hears "You're really fit - for your age," it's anyone's guess whether it brings good luck.


Regardless of whether you're 20 or 60, exercising and maintaining a healthier body will always be beneficial. But as you age, the key is to find the best method that suits you. For Lenny Kravitz, it's training in black leather pants and a net shirt. For someone like me, it might be time to focus on core exercises and free weights to keep the abs in shape. (List:- Wear whatever you're comfortable in- Embrace the gym atmosphere- Stick to your workout routine- Focus on core and overall health)

And remember, it's not about comparing your progress to others. The journey to a fitter, healthier you is your own. (Emphasis: It's all about you!)


In today's globalized world, there are so many different ways to approach fitness. Some people opt for high-intensity workouts, while others focus on strength training. Some people prefer to take it easy and stretch, while others push their limits with heavy weights.

It's all about finding the right balance that works for you. So the next time you step into the gym, remember to focus on your goals and have fun! (Call to action: Get out there and reach your fitness goals!)


(Highlight: "Unity and justice and freedom.")

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