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Parliament opening in splendid attire

King Charles opened the Parliament on Wednesday afternoon and read out the speech prepared by the government. Camilla accompanied him.

King Charles opened the Parliament - Queen Camilla was by his side.
King Charles opened the Parliament - Queen Camilla was by his side.

King Charles III - Parliament opening in splendid attire

British King Charles III (75) opened the Parliament in London on a traditional Wednesday afternoon. He was accompanied by Queen Camilla, who also celebrated her 77th birthday on this 17th of July. The first photos showed the couple after their carriage ride from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster. The King wore uniform, and the Queen wore a white dress with a diadem.

At 12:30 PM (MEZ), trumpets sounded, and the King and Queen entered the House of Lords and took their seats on their thrones. With the State Crown on his head, Charles delivered the second "King's Speech" of his reign in the Lords' Chamber, reading out the agenda of the newly elected government for the new session.

At 1 PM, the King and Queen left the scene in a carriage and the horse escort, returning to Buckingham Palace via the Mall. There, they were greeted with the National Anthem and some gun salutes.

"King's Speech" - From Infrastructure to Football and Junk Food

In the approximately 15-minute speech, traditionally written by the government and not the Monarch, the new legislative agenda was the first topic.

The announcements focused on improving the standard of living through economic growth. Key points included plans to build more homes, improve infrastructure, and nationalize the railway. Additionally, labor rights were to be strengthened, and exploitative practices were to be banned.

The King also presented a bill for the establishment of Great British Energy, a state-owned energy company based in Scotland. In the mental health bill, according to the speech, it is about ensuring that mental health receives the same attention and importance as physical health.

When Charles mentioned "football regulation," the audience chuckled, according to media reports. This referred to a "bill for the establishment of an independent football regulatory body to ensure sustainability in football and strengthen fan protection."

Concretely, it was also about the bill for the gradual increase in the age at which cigarettes can be purchased and the restriction of the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes. Furthermore, "My Ministers will also pass laws to limit the advertising of junk food to children, as well as the sale of caffeine-containing energy drinks to children," the King read out another proposal.

First Thronrede in November 2023

King Charles has been the new British Monarch since his mother Queen Elizabeth II's (1926-2022) death in September 2022. He had already given his first Throne Speech on November 7, 2023, when he opened the current session, having been appointed King only in May 2022. In May 2022, he had read the speech in his mother's name, as Prince of Wales, due to her health reasons.

  1. King Charles III and Queen Camilla, both celebrating significant milestones on this day, made their way from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster for the Parliament opening.
  2. During the Parliament opening in London, King Charles III delivered his second "King's Speech," highlighting the new legislative agenda, including a focus on improving infrastructure, boosting economic growth, and strengthening labor rights.
  3. After the Parliament opening ceremony, Queen Camilla was spotted donning a stylish pair of boots as she and King Charles III returned to Buckingham Palace.
  4. In reference to the new legislative agenda, King Charles III announced plans to establish Great British Energy, a state-owned energy company, and to limit the advertising of junk food to children in an effort to promote healthier living.

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