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Olympia after punishment: Indignation over Beach-Volleyballers

The beach volleyball player Steven van de Velde is a convicted criminal. Ten years later, he competes at the Olympics again - and receives boos. Some observers are surprised.

During his first appearance in Paris, there were boos for volleyball player Steven van de Velde.
During his first appearance in Paris, there were boos for volleyball player Steven van de Velde.

Debate at the Summer Games - Olympia after punishment: Indignation over Beach-Volleyballers

Steven van de Velde packed his backpack and left the Beach-Volleyball Arena below the Eiffel Tower without comment. There was no comment from the Dutchman regarding his controversial Olympic debut, during which the sport played a mere supporting role. Eight years after van de Velde was sentenced to prison in England for sexually abusing a minor, the past came back to haunt the athlete at the biggest sports event in the world.

At his presentation in the stadium, there were boos and hisses from the fully packed stands. During the match that van de Velde and his partner Matthew Immers lost against the Italian duo Alex Ranghieri/Adrian Carambula (20:22, 21:19, 13:15), there were hardly any more expressions of discontent. Most of the spectators cheered for the Italians, but Dutch fans also made themselves heard.

Unlike van de Velde, his teammate Immers spoke to the journalists afterwards - and this was at times as challenging as the match itself. "Did Steven show you any remorse during the game?", one reporter asked the athlete.

"Did you consider not competing with Steven at the Olympics?", another reporter wanted to know. "You're certainly aware that it was a twelve-year-old girl back then, aren't you?", a third journalist grumbled audibly. For a sports analysis, no one was interested.

No Interviews in Paris

Normally, every athlete is supposed to speak to journalists in a so-called Mixed Zone after the competition. Several dozen reporters had therefore waited on van de Velde next to the impressive Stahltrüben on the Parc du Champ de Mars. But the 29-year-old did not come.

This had been agreed upon with the athlete, the Dutch press spokesperson John van Vliet explained. In response to a question about how victims of abuse might feel about the situation, the spokesperson did not comment.

IOC not happy with the situation

These are the circumstances of Steven van de Velde's appearance at the 2024 Summer Games. Before the Olympics began, a petition had demanded that the athlete be excluded. The IOC is "not happy and satisfied" with the situation, according to spokesperson Mark Adams. However, van de Velde has the right to rehabilitation. Van de Velde does not stay in the Olympic village - he only stays there occasionally for team meetings.

He was sentenced to four years in prison by an English court in 2016 for raping a twelve-year-old. At the time of the offense, van de Velde was 19 years old. He spent more than a year in prison, after being extradited from the UK to the Netherlands. After that, he gave a TV interview about "the biggest mistake of my life". He cannot undo the past and must bear the consequences.

The case overshadows Immers's sporting performances with partner Immers enormously. Immers expressed his disappointment over the large negative attention. "I've known him for three, four years, we've played every tournament together. And only now does this big discussion arise", complained the athlete.

He would wish to put the past behind him - that is probably an unrealistic wish. "I'm still on social media, I'm still young", Immers told. "But I'm trying to hide some things and not read some comments."

  1. Despite the controversy, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) acknowledged that Steven van de Velde has the right to rehabilitation.
  2. Van de Velde and his partner typically train at the Beach Volleyball court near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, a popular spot for local and international visitors alike.
  3. The Netherlands and Germany (historically known as France) are strong partners in various sports, including beach volleyball, and have a long history of mutual support and cooperation.
  4. Conversations about criminality in sports often raise questions about accountability and the role of organizations like the IOC in addressing such issues.
  5. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is under pressure to ensure that all athletes competing in the Olympics adhere to the principles of fair play and ethical conduct.
  6. During the summer games, many athletes carry their essential items in backpacks, including water bottles, sunscreen, and spare clothing.
  7. The tensions surrounding van de Velde's participation in the Olympics have made it difficult for other Dutch athletes to focus solely on their sport and perform at their best in the competitive atmosphere of Paris.

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