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News: Teen Antonelli to Take Over Hamilton's Role

Which driver could replace Hamilton at Mercedes? There seem to be several signs of a highly promising Italian racer.

Andrea Kimi Antonelli could soon be racing in Formula 1.
Andrea Kimi Antonelli could soon be racing in Formula 1.

Formula One racing event - News: Teen Antonelli to Take Over Hamilton's Role

Teenager Andrea Kimi Antonelli is set to succeed Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton at Mercedes, according to a media report. The 17-year-old's deal is said to be in place, with Bild breaking the news. Hamilton is leaving Mercedes at the end of this season, and he'll be driving for Ferrari in the future.

Team boss Toto Wolff's recent statements also hint at this possibility. Mercedes has stopped negotiations with Carlos Sainz, who currently drives for Ferrari, about a 2025 deal. "We haven't made a decision for next year yet, but we didn't want to wait for Carlos either, because he has to make his own choice," said the 52-year-old Austrian to Sky Sports.

Mercedes is looking to start anew

Sainz has done an impressive job, but Wolff has hinted that Mercedes wants to make some changes in the future. "Kimi Antonelli is definitely a part of that," he added. The teen skipped Formula 3 and is currently competing in Formula 2. Antonelli has also tested old Silver Arrows from Mercedes.

Hamilton supports the young Italian as his potential successor. He isn't sure about Mercedes' plans. "If it were my decision, if it were my role, I would probably take Kimi," said the 39-year-old in May. Another driver Mercedes was interested in driving alongside George Russell was Max Verstappen, world champion from Red Bull.

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