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Neuer's return triggers inquiries with "lightning-fast surprise"

Manuel Neuer is back in the DFB goalpost after a 18-month break, showcasing his tournament-ready performance. However, a blunder with no severe consequences sparked questions, but not from the national coach.

DFB keeper Manuel Neuer made several great saves against Ukraine.
DFB keeper Manuel Neuer made several great saves against Ukraine.

The country's national sports squad - Neuer's return triggers inquiries with "lightning-fast surprise"

Manuel Neuer quickly raised his right arm in the air, his eyes darting over towards the sidelines. Further up the field, Neuer needed to clear a brief backpass from defensive player Robin Koch. However, the goalkeeper's decision to do so without proper care led to a chip ball that land right in front of the opposition. And before anyone knew it, a Ukrainian player was swiftly heading towards the vacant German goal.

Fortunately for Neuer, the linesman hurriedly raised his flag too, indicating an offside position for Andrej Jarmolenko's header to Artem Dovbyk, who was sprinting hard towards the goal. "I didn't even notice Jarmolenko on the left side," Neuer admitted later during the 88th minute of the Euro 2024 practice match, admitting his mistake. This proposed goal would have caused critical discussions had it actually happened, and would have been an eminent talking point during the home game following that.

The problematic question of Neuer's form remains after the match against Scotland.

Playing his first match within 18 months, Neuer felt positive regarding his comeback to the German goal. Preforming like a true number one, he lived up to the expectations as the tournament's number one, right up till the minute before. But, as before in Bayern's recent bitter Champions League duel against Real Madrid recent, within the 88th minute, Neuer erred after making several world-class saves on a goal that was still in play. With age playing a role, Neuer's seemingly mythical abilities are now more adoptable for someone at age 38. He remains a number one under watchful eyes.

Nagelsmann, like always, was quick to defend Neuer's mistake. "If he doesn't catch it and stands deeper, not playing, then it's a much more serious mistake. The impact of the decision was not big," stated the national coach. "The flag was raised instantly for Jarmolenko's offside, and that's why it wasn't a major issue." In full confidence, Nagelsmann remains certain that "he will perform extraordinarily at the Euro 2024."

He, Neuer, had the opportunity to view his return to the German goal as a positive overall on the Monday prior. He seemed hardened and pleased with his accomplishments. What initially appeared an unreachable destination had now become reality for him - his comeback, the Euro, and his eighth tournament as a number one, after the harrowing forces shattering injury at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. "It was a long, bitter journey, filled with hurdles. If I hadn't held onto my convictions, if I hadn't persevered, I wouldn't be here now," Neuer proudly shared in the stadium's underworld.

Regarding the selection of Neuer over ter Stegen as the Euro 2024 starting goalkeeper, Nagelsmann revealed his choice early on - a decision that has left the latter feeling rather tense. "It's a commonplace dilemma with goalkeepers. Coaches will never deploy two of them. The choice is always difficult. Marc is aware of the predicament. It's indeed unfortunate, for he truly is a world-class goalkeeper with proven showings," said Neuer, reflecting on ter Stegen's situation. "Nonetheless, that's the nature of our job."

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