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"Nepo-Baby" becomes her moniker.

Successful and well-known due to her parents' influence? Maya Hawke is unfazed and comfortable with the label "Nepo baby."

Ethan and Maya Hawke are not only father and daughter, but also occasional colleagues. For example,...
Ethan and Maya Hawke are not only father and daughter, but also occasional colleagues. For example, they worked together on the drama "Wildcat".

The actress Maya Hawke... - "Nepo-Baby" becomes her moniker.

Maya Hawke, the child of Uma Thurman (54) and Ethan Hawke (53), embraces her status as a "Nepo-Baby." In a conversation, she highlighted her contentment with being brought up by renowned parents and the perks that come with it.

She pondered altering her name

When one speaks of "Nepo-Babies," they mention people who've benefited from nepotism or preferential treatment. Presently, children of famous celebrities are dominating social media who've achieved success in modeling, music, and acting. Online debates chain about if they'd have thrived without their illustrious parents' influence. In an interview with The Times, Maya Hawke expressed she's guilt-free about her advantages. "There are so many people who deserve to have this way of life but can't, but I think I feel fortunate not to deserve it and yet get to have it." She further stated that "no one would benefit from abstaining from my lineage's advantages."

At the onset of her career, she pondered using an alternate identity: "Initially, I saw two paths: Change your name, have a nose job, and join open auditions," disclosed Hawke. Unfortunately, she chose to keep her esteemed surname, opening key doors. Amusement from others is unimportant to her. "It's a privileged spot. My connection with my parents is sincere and positive, surpassing everything others may utter about it."

In 2022, the 25-year-old collaborated with her dad. In the biographic film "Wildcat," she worked as her father's director. She told The Times that she endeavored to address her dad as "Ethan" on set, but in the end, she called him "Dad." "We both faced persistent inquiries about if we were tense working together, but we weren't apprehensive as I've spent my entire life creating art with this individual."

Ethan Hawke is joyful as a "Nepo-Dad"

Ethan Hawke has also warmed up to the "Nepo" discussion and, as of 2023, told Variety, "To put it succinctly, I'm a Nepo-Dad! And I'm not ashamed."

He acquired a prosperous Hollywood profession. Amongst his memorable works are "The Dead Poets Society" (1989), "Before Sunrise" (1995), and "Training Day" (2001). With Tarantino muse Uma Thurman ("Pulp Fiction," "Kill Bill"), he was in wedlock from 1998 to 2005. The couple had a daughter, Maya Hawke (25), and a son, Levon Hawke (22), who's also an actor.

Currently, Maya Hawke is an accomplished actress. In 2019, she shone in the Netflix series "Stranger Things," and the same year, she was in Tarantino's front of the camera for "Once Upon a Time In... Hollywood." In 2023, she manifested in Bradley Cooper's (49) biography "Maestro" about the composer Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990). In the second half of the animated anomaly "Everything Everywhere All at Once," she provides her voice to the character Anxiety in the American original. The film is due in German theaters on June 14.

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