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Moving orations on the 80th anniversary of D-Day

King Charles and Prince William delivered stirring speeches during the remembrance event for "D-Day," leaving attendees with chills.

King Charles (l.) and his son Prince William in Portsmouth.
King Charles (l.) and his son Prince William in Portsmouth.

Charles III and William, The Prince - Moving orations on the 80th anniversary of D-Day

King Charles III (75) and Prince William (41) both spoke at the opening celebration for the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Portsmouth's English harbor, reading emotional historical messages.

Prince William shared an extract from a letter penned by a soldier named Alastair Bannerman on the day of the Normandy landings by Allied troops on June 6, 1944, to his wife. Bannerman was able to survive both WWII and "D-Day", eventually rejoining his family. "So many didn't make it," stated William. "We keep their memories alive. We reflect upon the valor of all who fought to liberate Europe."

Recalling the Heroics

Charles, who delivered his first address since his cancer diagnosis, emphasized the historic impact of the D-Day heroes' courage and sacrifice. He referenced a speech by the former Allied ground force commander, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery: "We're blessed with the honor to launch the attack that will forever be a part of history."

Remembering the heroic efforts of those who took part in such a risky endeavor is considered our "solemn duty" by Charles.

Dame Helen Mirren (78) began the national commemoration in Portsmouth. On hand were Queen Camilla, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and D-Day veterans. Addressing the audience, Mirren expressed her gratitude: "To be in the presence of some who took part in this remarkable achievement is a privilege. Your bravery remains just as inspirational today as it was 80 years ago. Thank you."

Remaining Events

King Charles and Queen Camilla plan for a trip to the "British Normandy Memorial" on June 6 in the French town of Ver-sur-Mer. Charles' foreign trip is his first since announcing his cancer diagnosis in February.

While he's away, Prince William will fill in for him at the key celebration in Saint Laurent sur Mer on Omaha Beach. President Emmanuel Macron, US President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have been invited to the event.

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