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Movie Maker Stands Up for "Junk Study" on White Athletes in the DFB Squad

What's the desire of Germans towards having more white professionals in the national soccer squad? Filmmaker Philipp Awounou has been met with negative feedback for posing such queries. He clarifies why he endorsed the study.

Philipp Awounou is the author of the documentary "Unity and Justice and Diversity"
Philipp Awounou is the author of the documentary "Unity and Justice and Diversity"

Discrimination Based on Ethnicity or Race - Movie Maker Stands Up for "Junk Study" on White Athletes in the DFB Squad

The filmmaker behind the documentary "Einigkeit und Recht und Vielfalt," Philipp Awounou, has stood behind the survey featured in his movie and of which Germany's national soccer team coach, Julian Nagelsmann, isn't a fan. This poll suggests that approximately 20% of Germans favor more white players on the national soccer squad. Awounou explained in an ARD show titled "Hart aber fair": "There should've been a definite connection: Why did this survey take place, and what's its context? I believe it's quite understandable. I assume that people like Nagelsmann or others connected with the film would've grasped the rationale behind conducting this survey."

During his research for the documentary, Awounou and his team uncovered racially charged discourse about the national team. "This phrase 'I prefer if more white players play for the national team' can be perceived as: To gauge racist attitudes, you inquire about racist attitudes. It's a routine procedure in scientific polling."

Awounou also divulged: "The WDR in conjunction with Infratest Dimap would not have acquired this info if I hadn't gained understanding about whether we were reflecting reality or disproportionately giving space to opinions that aren't widely recognized in the general populace. If the acceptance rates for the racist concepts we posed queries about had been insignificant, we'd have deleted the related statements from the film."

Nagelsmann targeted the survey during a Sunday press conference for the DFB before the EURO test match against Ukraine. "I pray I never need to read such a crappy survey again," the 36-year-old coach bluntly stated. Kimmich aired his concerns the day before.

Additional source: Awounou's post on "" (paid content).

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