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Mola Adebisi will demonstrate benefits for weight loss

For participating in 'Ich bin ein Star - Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden', the moderator Mola Adebisi has a special motivation.

Mola Adebisi meant only the scale at "Ich bin ein Star - Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden"
Mola Adebisi meant only the scale at "Ich bin ein Star - Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden"

Legendary-JungleCamp - Mola Adebisi will demonstrate benefits for weight loss

Mola Adebisi (51) receives a second chance in the Jubilee team of Jungle Camp to win the coveted Jungle Crown. However, the focus for the moderator is something else. Quoted by RTL in a press release, Adebisi says, "My main focus is on losing weight!"

The 51-year-old weighed less in 2014 when he was in the Jungle Camp for the first time and finished in eighth place. The sender RTL revealed that the former VIVA star gained around ten kilos during the Corona pandemic.

Adebiser and Glatzeder aim to lose weight

However, Mola Adebisi is not the only one focusing on weight loss for their participation in the Legendary Jungle Camp. Winfried Glatzeder, the oldest Jungle Camp candidate ever at 79 years old, also seems to want to shed some pounds. "I see it as a challenge and I'm curious to see how it goes. Plus, it's a paid fasting cure, which is quite nice!" says the fifth place finisher from Jungle Camp in 2014.

Ortega wants to coach, Knappik wants peace

While Adebisi and Glatzeder are concerned with their weight, other candidates have their own goals. David Ortega (38), a former actor on "Berlin - Tag & Nacht" and now self-proclaimed life coach, wants to use the Jungle for his new profession. "If I can be team captain, I will do a lot of coaching. I will bring in many ideas. That will be fun!" he explains.

Sarah Knappik (37), who caused a real scandal in Australia in 2011, wants to conclude her experiences from that time and "find peace" in her second participation. Hanka Rackwitz (55) has bigger plans: She suffers from anxiety disorders and compulsions, which is why she has been secluded from society for the past six years - in "Ich bin ein Star - Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden" she wants to find her way back to life as a finalist in 2017.

The Jubilee show starts on August 16 at 8:15 pm on RTL and on RTL+ from August 15 in the stream. In total, the broadcaster will show 17 episodes.

  1. Adebisi Mola and Winfried Glatzeder, both participating in the Legendary-Junglecamp, have set their sights on losing weight, seeing it as a challenge and a paid fasting cure.
  2. In addition to weight loss, David Ortega, a former actor from "Berlin - Tag & Nacht" and a self-proclaimed life coach, aims to use the jungle as an opportunity to coach his team and bring in new ideas.
  3. Sarah Knappik, who caused a scandal in Australia in 2011, seeks peace in her second participation, hoping to find closure from her past experiences.
  4. The Junglecamp legend, Hanka Rackwitz, suffers from anxiety disorders and compulsions, and is hoping to find her way back to society through her participation in "Ich bin ein Star - Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden", aiming to be a finalist like in 2017.
  5. The jubilee show, "I am a star - Showdown of Jungles Legends", will start on August 16 at 8:15 pm on RTL and RTL+, with 17 episodes being aired in total.

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