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Miniseries "For the Drama" on 3sat

A pair of actors in a relationship crisis: a mini-series on 3sat was filmed during real rehearsals at the theater. Real world, script and improvisation mix. The cast is unusual.

Rosa (Marie Nasemann) and Gabriel (Eidin Jalali) are the understudies in "Die Fledermaus".
Rosa (Marie Nasemann) and Gabriel (Eidin Jalali) are the understudies in "Die Fledermaus".

TV tip - Miniseries "For the Drama" on 3sat

In a pink costume, Gabriel (Eidin Jalali) walks along a long corridor at the Bavarian State Opera and looks annoyed. He is searching for his girlfriend Rosa (Marie Nasemann) and catches her in a costume room having an affair. Gabriel was just about to propose to her. But their relationship is not the only problem.

The three-part mini-series "For the Drama" tells the story of a actor couple (Marie Nasemann and Eidin Jalali) who are engaged as understudies for the "Fledermaus" opera by Johann Strauss at the Bavarian State Opera and get deeper into crisis. At the same time, it gives a glimpse behind the scenes of a theater - in the truest sense of the word. The makers speak of "Real-Life-Fiction". The three episodes will be broadcast on 3sat on this Saturday at 21.55 hours. BR-TV will show "For the Drama" on July 7th in the late night program.

The events at the Bavarian State Opera move between documentation, drama, and improvisation: While sets are being built and wigs prepared, Gabriel and Rosa argue about their relationship status backstage. While dancers and dancers pirouette on the Fledermaus stage in costume, Gabriel tries to find out with whom Rosa is having an affair. Rosa discovers that she is pregnant in the meantime.

As part of the ARD, MDR, and 3sat series, important actors and actresses of the operetta are featured regularly. Among them is "Fledermaus" director Barrie Kosky: "Life-Work-Balance in the theater - forget it. There is no Life-Work-Balance. Theater is life. Theater is work", says Kosky. Above all, a life as a couple in the theater is not possible, according to the opera's director. An experience that Kosky made in the real theater world. But also a statement that Rosa and Gabriel experience painfully during the series.

Apart from this parallel world of acting and documentation, the series also offers an unusual casting. While model and podcaster Marie Nasemann and Austrian actor Eidin Jalali take on the leading roles, Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht as security guard Alf tries to mediate between the couple. With the titles of the three episodes, the series leads viewers and viewers through the entire story: "Betrayal", "Revenge!", and "Love?"

Summary 3sat - Episode 2 Summary 3sat - Episode 3 Summary 3sat - Episode 1

  1. Despite the crisis in their relationship due to infidelity, Marie Nasemann and Eidin Jalali continue their roles as understudies for the "Fledermaus" opera by Johann Strauss on German TV channel 3Sat.
  2. The television outlook for this Saturday includes the broadcast of "For the Drama," a miniseries where the couple's personal life and professional obligations intertwine, providing a unique insight into the world of theater.
  3. Berlin's Bavarian State Opera serves as the backdrop for "For the Drama," but with the events also unfolding on Munich's BR-TV during the late night program on July 7th.
  4. The series not only showcases the vibrant world of opera, but also delves into the complexities of relationships, using Johann Strauss's timeless music to underscore the emotional turmoil witnessed on TV screens.
  5. As Gabriel and Rosa grapple with their relationship issues, they remain professional on the set, donning their Opera costumes, including the iconic Marie Nasemann in a pink winged dress like 'gosses' or 'tingel-tingels' - a term originating from Bavarian operetta.
  6. The miniseries' unique casting includes Marie Nasemann, a fashion model and podcast host, partnering with Eidin Jalali, an Austrian actor. Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht adds an interesting twist with his role as security guard Alf, trying to mediate their relationship issues.
  7. In contrast to the director Barrie Kosky's views on maintaining a balance between personal and professional life in the theater, the actors in "For the Drama" endure a crisis that puts their relationship, professional careers, and work ethic to the test.

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