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Michelle and Eric Philippi are planning to tie the knot.

Eric Philippi announced during the "Schlagerbooom Open Air" event that he had proposed to his girlfriend Michelle.

Michelle and Eric Philippi got engaged.
Michelle and Eric Philippi got engaged.

Outdoor Schlager Festival - Michelle and Eric Philippi are planning to tie the knot.

Florian Silbereisen's (42) show "Schlagerboom Open Air" had some surprises during its Saturday evening event (June 8th). As a result of the poor weather in Austrian Kitzbuhel, it was uncovered that a video from the previous day was aired on the main channel.

Meanwhile, singers Michelle (52) and Eric Philippi (27) made a major announcement on stage with host Silbereisen. At first, Silbereisen commented, "Last year at the 'Schlagerboom Open Air', you announced that you were together. People were surprised. Many people didn't think you'd last, but now we can say, they were wrong. You're not just a couple anymore, you're living together and working together." Eric Philippi then recalled his previous nerves, especially with the mixed reactions he'd received, "Yes, there were more critics than supporters." The artist then exclaimed, "But we could prove them wrong. For me, Michelle has been the right woman from the first moment, and we've been together for some time already, quietly."

"I said yes"

In addition, Philippi (27) said, "We've been through some of the lowest points and the highest highs. From the first moment, I knew this was the woman for my life, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her." So, he asked her "around two months ago the most important question." Michelle echoed, "He asked me if I wanted to marry him and, of course, I said yes." Despite their engagement, the two have yet to make specific plans. According to Eric Philippi, "We'll probably do it privately."

The family planning of the couple also seems to be underway. In the 'stern TV am Sonntag' RTL show on June 2nd, they shared their thoughts on adoption.

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At the "Schlagerboom Open Air" festival in Kitzbühel, Michelle and Eric Philippi announced their engagement during Florian Silbereisen's show. Eric proposed to Michelle around two months prior, and she happily agreed. The couple, who are both singers, are planning a private wedding and have also considered adoption for their future family.

