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Memoirs of Trump's Vice-Presidential Candidate (German New Edition)

A few years ago, the American J.D. Vance sold millions with his autobiography. The book was last available in German. Now it's coming out again. This is also related to the US election campaign.

J.D. Vance, an American writer, intends to become US Vice President.
J.D. Vance, an American writer, intends to become US Vice President.

US campaign - Memoirs of Trump's Vice-Presidential Candidate (German New Edition)

Since his appointment as Donald Trump's right hand, global interest in US Politician J.D. Vance has grown. His bestseller "Hillbilly-Elegie," published eight years ago, is being rediscovered once again. The autobiography of the Republican Vice Presidency candidate in the US, which also tells a lot about economically disadvantaged white people in America, was out of print in German recently.

A new German edition of the book is currently in production. It will be released on August 15 by the publisher Yes Publishing. The "Wall Street Journal" wrote about the work: "Hillbilly Elegy is a beautiful memoir, but also a cultural critique of America's white working class. ... (Vance) provides a compelling explanation for why it is so hard for someone who grew up like him. A captivating book."

A Tale of Resignation

In his book, which was filmed by Ron Howard in 2020, J.D. Vance tells a story of failed ascension and resignation of an entire population sector.

His grandparents, real Hillbillies, or white working-class people in rural areas, tried to escape poverty and establish themselves in the middle class through hard work. But ultimately, it was all in vain. Abuse, alcoholism, and poverty are essential characteristics of the Hillbilly lifestyle.

Vance witnessed the decline of a population sector

James David Vance, born in 1984, spent his childhood and adolescence in the industrial city of Middletown in the US state of Ohio and in the Appalachians of Kentucky. During his youth, he experienced the economic downturn and the decline of the people there. He grew up in broken family relationships, joined the Marine Corps after high school and was deployed to Iraq. Later, he studied law at Yale University and became the director of an investment firm in the Silicon Valley.

Originally a bitter opponent of Trump, Vance was recently recruited by the Republican front-runner for his campaign team and nominated as the future Vice President.

  1. The reissue of J.D. Vance's 'Hillbilly-Elegie' is generating renewed interest due to his appointment as Donald Trump's right-hand man in the US Election 2024 campaign.
  2. The Wall Street Journal praised Vance's Memoirs, 'Hillbilly Elegy', as a captivating cultural critique of America's white working class.
  3. As a US Politician, Vance's memoir sheds light on economically disadvantaged white people in America, mirroring his own experiences in Middletown, Ohio, and the Appalachians.
  4. The new German edition of 'Hillbillery Elegy' will be released on August 15, providing German readers with an insight into Vance's life and observations.
  5. Ron Howard's film adaptation of 'Hillbily Elegy' in 2020 brought Vance's story to a wider audience, reflecting the struggles of a whole population sector.
  6. Vance's appointment as a key figure in the Republicans' US election campaign has once again raised questions about his views and relationship with Donald Trump.
  7. Vance's literary work and his role in US politics have sparked debates in Germany and the USA, with many people expressing their opinions in Munich and other cities.
  8. The Republican Party's recruitment of Vance as a vice presidential candidate has caused divisions within the party and sparked concerns about the party's direction for the US Election 2024.
  9. Wall Street Journal's review highlights that Vance's memoirs offer a compelling explanation of the struggles faced by economically disadvantaged white people in America, providing a nuanced look at a often overlooked demographic.

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